The Future of WoW Challenges – Part 2

Back in June Stone announced his departure from WoW Challenges (due to health reasons) and handed control to Ster and myself so we can steer WoW Challenges with the help of the community. As Stone’s health condition has plateaued he is back to join us as we guide WoW Challenges into the future.

What that means is Ster, Stone and myself will become what is affectionately known as “The Tribal Elders” (yes Stone a Survivor reference just for you) and therefore he becomes a Third Equal to help Ster and myself with decisions concerning the site and the community.

Welcome Back Stone.



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In order to add your character you must meet these criteria:

  1. Your character must be Level 10 or higher.
  2. You enable your 'Display Only Character Achievements to Others'.
  3. Log Out of your character. THEN Exit WoW.
  4. You must not have already broken the rules

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