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And here are the champions!
Softiron 2025-01-26 15:03:03 IronMan
Level 80
Worgen Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Werrna 2025-01-17 16:01:05 IronMan
Level 80
Dracthyr Evoker
Kelman 2025-01-05 14:40:44 IronMan
Level 80
Blood Elf Warlock
Daladorn 2024-12-27 15:54:49 GreenMan
Level 80
Lfgd Draenei Hunter
Xayakaxaya 2024-12-22 07:31:22 Pacifist
Level 80
Tauren Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayamona 2024-12-14 08:30:39 IronMan
Level 80
Night Elf Monk
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayashta 2024-12-14 07:59:26 IronMan
Level 80
Dwarf Priest
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayamagoo 2024-12-14 06:47:40 IronMan
Level 80
Night Elf Mage
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Nilylia 2024-12-13 14:35:22 IronMan
Level 80
Night Elf Hunter
Xayariena 2024-12-09 14:17:05 IronMan
Level 80
Draenei Paladin
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayajelly 2024-12-08 13:56:44 IronMan
Level 80
Lfgd Draenei Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Iron Yogurt 2024-12-05 14:04:10 IronmanTeam
Level 80
Hammeriron Orc Hunter
Ironrumble Orc Shaman
Xayakiz 2024-12-04 04:58:17 IronMan
Level 80
Goblin Warlock
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayabingra 2024-12-02 04:26:32 BloodThirsty
Level 80
Dwarf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Candlencrow 2024-12-01 09:56:00 IronMan
Level 80
Earthen Rogue
Aerie Peak-US
Greenprax 2024-11-30 03:19:41 GreenMan
Level 80
Dwarf Paladin
Kul Tiras-EU
Xayavandra 2024-11-24 08:59:05 IronMan
Level 80
Draenei Shaman
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ironmancl 2024-11-24 04:48:15 IronMan
Level 80
Gnome Mage
Xayarallii 2024-11-23 11:47:38 TinMan
Level 80
Draenei Paladin
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayaraylea 2024-11-19 05:29:39 IronMan
Level 80
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayarwinna 2024-11-15 05:37:55 IronMan
Level 80
Night Elf Warrior
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Listened 2024-11-14 13:51:42 Pacifist
Level 80
Earthen Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Hyogreen 2024-11-12 12:22:22 GreenMan
Level 80
Pandaren Warrior
Чумацький 2024-11-10 06:34:31 GreenMan
Level 80
Void Elf Hunter
Ironasyy 2024-11-03 22:34:26 IronMan
Level 80
Night Elf Hunter
Xayagyxi 2024-11-03 11:02:12 GreenMan
Level 80
Draenei Paladin
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Neverluckyqt 2024-11-03 09:32:20 IronMan
Level 80
Human Paladin
Tarren Mill-EU
Stereotyped 2024-10-31 09:56:30 IronMan
Level 80
Human Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Pacipanster 2024-10-30 13:36:02 Pacifist
Level 80
Pandaren Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayawinna 2024-10-27 12:48:20 WorkingMan
Level 80
Worgen Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Workster 2024-10-24 11:14:26 WorkingMan
Level 80
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Executioner 2024-10-18 22:23:15 IronMan
Level 80
Human Paladin
Blackwater Raiders-US
Druidster 2024-10-16 14:20:33 IronMan
Level 80
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayapelli 2024-10-02 04:34:11 Pacifist
Level 80
Human Mage
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Arven 2024-09-29 17:44:29 IronMan
Level 80
Blood Elf Mage
Blackwater Raiders-US
Elfster 2024-09-29 11:24:29 IronMan
Level 80
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Tazura 2024-09-18 14:41:04 IronMan
Level 80
Blood Elf Warrior
Blackwater Raiders-US
Contester 2024-09-15 17:11:28 Pacifist
Level 80
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayasia 2024-09-11 08:44:58 IronMan
Level 80
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Evitrifecta 2024-09-07 20:19:12 GreenMan
Level 80
Night Elf Hunter
Evisurvival 2024-09-06 05:31:38 GreenMan
Level 80
Void Elf Hunter
Passeyster 2024-09-04 16:01:32 Pacifist
Level 80
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Eviangy 2024-09-03 06:12:32 GreenMan
Level 80
Blood Elf Hunter
Showei 2024-08-24 10:13:29 IronMan
Level 80
Pandaren Warrior
Argent Dawn-EU
Taylurelyn 2024-08-22 13:47:18 WorkingMan
Level 70
Dwarf Monk
Argent Dawn-EU
Yoggsaron 2024-08-21 06:35:38 IronMan
Level 70
Draenei Warrior
Defias Brotherhood-EU
Paciflore 2024-08-19 09:03:51 Pacifist
Level 70
Tauren Rogue
Les Clairvoyants-EU
Котичхк 2024-08-19 00:52:08 IronMan
Level 70
Worgen Druid
Valeriðs 2024-08-16 17:17:07 IronMan
Level 70
Human Paladin
Nofalldamagé 2024-08-13 05:43:52 IronMan
Level 70
Night Elf Druid
Area 52-US
Ironeli 2024-08-11 16:25:32 IronMan
Level 70
Night Elf Monk
Ironzwerg 2024-08-11 02:34:45 IronMan
Level 70
Dwarf Warrior
Das Konsortium-EU
Pringlepants 2024-08-10 20:06:33 IronMan
Level 70
Human Paladin
Enisse 2024-08-08 11:07:44 IronMan
Level 70
Human Hunter
Asyy 2024-08-06 03:28:40 IronMan
Level 70
Dwarf Shaman
Lyari 2024-08-05 13:45:46 BloodThirsty
Level 70
Blood Elf Paladin
Blackwater Raiders-US
Asyworks 2024-08-02 07:00:25 WorkingMan
Level 70
Night Elf Hunter
Arven 2024-08-01 12:27:16 IronMan
Level 70
Blood Elf Mage
Blackwater Raiders-US
Cgreen 2024-07-29 15:05:11 GreenMan
Level 70
Undead Warrior
Ironasyy 2024-07-29 11:08:46 IronMan
Level 70
Night Elf Hunter
Elisiron 2024-07-29 06:52:22 IronMan
Level 70
Night Elf Hunter
Thusky 2024-07-27 04:34:47 IronMan
Level 70
Troll Warrior
Странныйвоин 2024-07-20 04:12:23 IronMan
Level 70
Pandaren Warrior
Asygreen 2024-07-17 15:11:48 GreenMan
Level 70
Dwarf Paladin
Workingdead 2024-06-27 19:42:29 WorkingMan
Level 70
Undead Warlock
Blackwater Raiders-US
Ferrerin 2024-06-07 04:52:44 GreenMan
Level 70
Night Elf Mage
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Gertru 2024-05-26 12:58:32 BloodThirsty
Level 70
Dwarf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Pacitrixi 2024-05-21 18:49:08 Pacifist
Level 70
Gnome Rogue
Blackwater Raiders-US
Berennll 2024-05-14 08:57:58 IronMan
Level 70
Human Paladin
Blackwater Raiders-US
Xayakaxaya 2024-05-07 05:18:10 Pacifist
Level 70
Tauren Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Asycow 2024-05-06 02:11:39 Pacifist
Level 70
Tauren Rogue
Ferreday 2024-04-29 23:57:51 Pacifist
Level 70
Human Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ironluxx 2024-04-14 02:34:40 IronMan
Level 70
Gnome Warrior
Ironluxx 2024-04-14 02:34:40 IronMan
Level 70
Gnome Warrior
Stuckinbog 2024-04-02 11:29:16 IronMan
Level 70
Goblin Monk
Tazura 2024-03-16 20:18:39 IronMan
Level 70
Blood Elf Warrior
Blackwater Raiders-US
Ferresfrost 2024-03-05 23:59:03 IronMan
Level 70
Human Mage
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Bearferre 2024-02-28 22:30:13 WorkingMan
Level 70
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Caylasi 2024-02-22 08:28:14 Pacifist
Level 70
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferreisola 2024-02-05 00:13:53 GreenMan
Level 70
Draenei Shaman
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Beldolphin 2024-02-02 06:53:28 IronMan
Level 70
Human Warlock
Tesli 2024-02-01 18:13:47 WorkingMan
Level 70
Dwarf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferreviola 2024-01-18 21:58:55 Pacifist
Level 70
Night Elf Mage
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Dzelzs 2024-01-15 12:36:26 IronMan
Level 70
Human Hunter
Greenmiku 2024-01-10 07:47:56 GreenMan
Level 70
Blood Elf Hunter
Confrérie du Thorium-EU
Evisurvival 2023-12-28 03:46:08 GreenMan
Level 70
Void Elf Hunter
Ironbonthree 2023-12-26 06:09:41 IronMan
Level 70
Human Paladin
Evitrifecta 2023-12-20 23:03:45 GreenMan
Level 70
Night Elf Hunter
Stereotyped 2023-12-17 18:55:26 IronMan
Level 70
Human Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferreverdae 2023-12-07 20:25:29 GreenMan
Level 70
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Eviangy 2023-12-03 02:59:22 GreenMan
Level 70
Blood Elf Hunter
Ferrebear 2023-11-28 23:07:26 Pacifist
Level 70
Pandaren Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ironling 2023-11-12 09:08:14 IronMan
Level 70
Pandaren Shaman
Ferrecridhe 2023-11-01 01:39:51 GreenMan
Level 70
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferrefae 2023-10-29 17:46:19 Pacifist
Level 70
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayarallii 2023-10-19 05:10:44 TinMan
Level 70
Draenei Paladin
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Evistriana 2023-10-14 00:34:38 GreenMan
Level 70
Nightborne Hunter
Ferrekyyri 2023-10-04 21:25:21 IronMan
Level 70
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Monksin 2023-10-01 06:53:24 IronMan
Level 70
Tauren Monk
Tuna 2023-09-26 14:29:51 TinMan
Level 70
Blood Elf Death Knight
Jonnfoxx 2023-09-23 07:48:16 GreenMan
Level 70
Night Elf Warrior
Ferriona 2023-09-21 18:44:02 IronMan
Level 70
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayamagoo 2023-09-19 04:15:46 IronMan
Level 70
Night Elf Mage
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Lantanna 2023-09-18 07:53:31 Pacifist
Level 70
Tauren Druid
Earthen Ring-US
Xayashta 2023-09-15 04:00:05 IronMan
Level 70
Dwarf Priest
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Sneakee 2023-09-09 01:41:40 Pacifist
Level 70
Gnome Rogue
Aerie Peak-US
Ferrenyys 2023-09-08 20:17:34 Pacifist
Level 70
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayamona 2023-08-27 12:52:18 IronMan
Level 70
Night Elf Monk
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Chia 2023-08-19 07:18:04 BloodThirsty
Level 70
Blood Elf Warlock
Cinq 2023-08-18 19:14:11 Pacifist
Level 70
Night Elf Rogue
Bikiniblue 2023-08-16 23:48:09 IronMan
Level 70
Blood Elf Hunter
Falkurios 2023-08-15 14:04:04 IronMan
Level 70
Night Elf Demon Hunter
Demo 2023-08-14 15:58:35 IronMan
Level 70
Night Elf Demon Hunter
Moon Guard-US
Irondruid 2023-08-14 14:23:07 IronMan
Level 70
Worgen Druid
Ironmage 2023-08-13 23:29:30 IronMan
Level 70
Undead Mage
Xayabingra 2023-08-09 05:03:43 BloodThirsty
Level 70
Dwarf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayariena 2023-07-15 04:19:45 IronMan
Level 70
Draenei Paladin
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Hanting 2023-07-09 21:09:40 IronMan
Level 70
Pandaren Hunter
Paycients 2023-07-09 11:15:02 TinMan
Level 70
Worgen Hunter
Ironrodski 2023-07-08 19:04:40 IronMan
Level 70
Undead Hunter
Ferrevegan 2023-07-07 21:44:07 Pacifist
Level 70
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferrewynter 2023-07-06 21:56:16 WorkingMan
Level 70
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayasia 2023-07-06 04:18:04 IronMan
Level 70
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Tinkelbel 2023-07-05 11:06:29 GreenMan
Level 70
Blood Elf Paladin
Darkmoon Faire-EU
Dwarfster 2023-06-30 13:02:28 IronMan
Level 70
Dwarf Warlock
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayakiz 2023-06-26 09:22:01 IronMan
Level 70
Goblin Warlock
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Maygester 2023-06-22 10:06:50 IronMan
Level 70
Night Elf Mage
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferremar 2023-06-06 22:26:11 WorkingMan
Level 70
Draenei Shaman
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayajelly 2023-06-06 13:23:42 IronMan
Level 70
Lfgd Draenei Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferreh 2023-06-02 14:56:45 Pacifist
Level 70
Tauren Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Pacipanster 2023-05-25 17:00:03 Pacifist
Level 70
Pandaren Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Priester 2023-05-24 09:16:15 IronMan
Level 70
Night Elf Priest
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayawindy 2023-05-17 11:48:00 WorkingMan
Level 70
Gnome Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Peacenik 2023-05-05 19:32:07 Pacifist
Level 70
Night Elf Rogue
Neverluckyqt 2023-05-04 23:41:09 IronMan
Level 70
Human Paladin
Tarren Mill-EU
Seff 2023-04-30 08:01:13 GreenMan
Level 70
Worgen Warrior
Earthen Ring-EU
Roef 2023-04-30 08:00:02 GreenMan
Level 70
Worgen Monk
Earthen Ring-EU
Monkster 2023-04-15 05:04:43 IronMan
Level 70
Night Elf Monk
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayagyxi 2023-04-05 12:18:45 GreenMan
Level 70
Draenei Paladin
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Raff 2023-04-04 04:43:38 GreenMan
Level 70
Worgen Druid
Earthen Ring-EU
Dragoniron 2023-04-02 01:58:42 IronMan
Level 70
Human Hunter
Aerie Peak-EU
Peaceabull 2023-03-30 07:14:53 Pacifist
Level 70
Tauren Paladin
Druidster 2023-03-14 18:45:07 IronMan
Level 70
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Lireana 2023-03-14 12:47:16 IronMan
Level 70
Night Elf Druid
Xayarwinna 2023-03-13 12:41:54 IronMan
Level 70
Night Elf Warrior
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferreilean 2023-03-09 21:45:32 Pacifist
Level 70
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Showei 2023-03-04 09:18:47 IronMan
Level 70
Pandaren Warrior
Argent Dawn-EU
Jonnfoxx 2023-02-25 17:00:35 IronMan
Level 70
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayavandra 2023-02-25 05:04:35 IronMan
Level 70
Draenei Shaman
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferrestealth 2023-02-08 15:50:41 WorkingMan
Level 70
Tauren Rogue
Argent Dawn-US
Xayaraylea 2023-01-27 06:31:49 IronMan
Level 70
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Catster 2023-01-26 11:39:07 IronMan
Level 70
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Nokills 2023-01-24 04:05:34 Pacifist
Level 70
Night Elf Druid
Xayapartfive 2023-01-23 06:30:51 Pacifist
Level 70
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayapelli 2023-01-22 13:50:20 Pacifist
Level 70
Human Mage
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Contester 2023-01-22 12:30:11 Pacifist
Level 70
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Elfster 2023-01-17 09:23:59 IronMan
Level 70
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Beastnorn 2023-01-10 05:37:35 IronMan
Level 70
Pandaren Hunter
Tarren Mill-EU
Ferrekessaa 2023-01-04 00:21:38 Pacifist
Level 70
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Workster 2023-01-03 05:58:42 WorkingMan
Level 70
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferrelin 2022-12-22 17:05:06 WorkingMan
Level 70
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Rocknorn 2022-12-18 20:41:31 GreenMan
Level 70
Tauren Druid
Tarren Mill-EU
Passeyster 2022-12-16 19:34:41 Pacifist
Level 70
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Twothirsty 2022-12-06 02:31:38 IronMan
Level 70
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Twothirsty 2022-12-06 02:31:38 BloodThirsty
Level 70
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Mightnorn 2022-12-05 12:49:02 GreenMan
Level 70
Tauren Monk
Tarren Mill-EU
Halioo 2022-11-27 16:13:04 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Monk
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Metalnorn 2022-11-26 06:02:44 IronMan
Level 60
Tauren Monk
Tarren Mill-EU
Hunterackair 2022-11-26 05:56:19 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Hunter
Burning Blade-EU
Ferrerin 2022-11-25 20:23:08 GreenMan
Level 60
Night Elf Mage
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Illtakecare 2022-11-23 17:56:03 GreenMan
Level 60
Human Paladin
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayadrach 2022-11-21 03:22:10 WorkingMan
Level 60
Dracthyr Evoker
Asybt 2022-11-20 12:54:43 BloodThirsty
Level 60
Pandaren Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferrelythana 2022-11-19 21:07:50 GreenMan
Level 60
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Jem 2022-11-19 11:57:40 BloodThirsty
Level 60
Night Elf Hunter
Aerie Peak-EU
Mebee 2022-11-16 12:35:24 GreenMan
Level 60
Human Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayamiko 2022-11-15 18:23:09 IronMan
Level 60
Vulpera Hunter
Gypsyster 2022-11-15 15:49:34 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferrelin 2022-11-12 21:31:49 WorkingMan
Level 60
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Zarakul 2022-11-11 02:17:47 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Mage
Greenpew 2022-10-31 11:47:52 GreenMan
Level 60
Human Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Brassbolts 2022-10-25 03:56:27 IronMan
Level 60
Gnome Hunter
Cenarion Circle-US
Mendacity 2022-10-24 12:33:58 IronMan
Level 60
Draenei Paladin
Xayabingra 2022-10-24 08:47:00 BloodThirsty
Level 60
Dwarf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayanawa 2022-10-20 16:36:18 IronMan
Level 60
Tauren Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Suprisingly 2022-10-16 13:20:22 GreenMan
Level 60
Maghar Orc Hunter
Boopdafloof 2022-10-13 19:28:06 GreenMan
Level 60
Vulpera Hunter
Brublood 2022-10-10 02:42:41 BloodThirsty
Level 60
Night Elf Hunter
Aerie Peak-EU
Msbean 2022-10-06 19:02:18 GreenMan
Level 60
Hmtn Tauren Hunter
Soulblister 2022-10-06 17:03:25 WorkingMan
Level 60
Gnome Priest
Trollursoul 2022-10-06 15:41:22 BloodThirsty
Level 60
Troll Warrior
Irongru 2022-09-22 09:05:17 IronMan
Level 60
Human Warlock
Aerie Peak-EU
Meanybeany 2022-09-10 18:55:29 GreenMan
Level 60
Nightborne Hunter
Neverdiedpci 2022-09-10 05:12:56 Pacifist
Level 60
Night Elf Druid
Tidalsoul 2022-09-01 14:25:31 BloodThirsty
Level 60
Dwarf Shaman
Progue 2022-08-25 05:38:15 Pacifist
Level 60
Human Rogue
Aerie Peak-EU
Asyp 2022-08-19 19:17:26 Pacifist
Level 60
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Asyg 2022-08-16 23:18:41 GreenMan
Level 60
Gnome Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Andyhunter 2022-08-14 04:49:57 Pacifist
Level 60
Night Elf Hunter
Ferrewynter 2022-08-11 22:29:50 WorkingMan
Level 60
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Korvilon 2022-08-10 19:03:13 TinMan
Level 60
Night Elf Mage
Area 52-US
Soulglaive 2022-08-03 16:43:18 BloodThirsty
Level 60
Night Elf Demon Hunter
Asyw 2022-07-31 14:32:15 WorkingMan
Level 60
Pandaren Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Tomîra 2022-07-21 13:37:52 GreenMan
Level 60
Draenei Paladin
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Paycients 2022-07-20 14:38:53 TinMan
Level 60
Worgen Hunter
Xayajelly 2022-07-19 17:43:38 IronMan
Level 60
Lfgd Draenei Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Asygrn 2022-07-19 17:17:07 GreenMan
Level 60
Human Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Celladon 2022-07-17 12:27:52 GreenMan
Level 60
Lfgd Draenei Paladin
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ironmanic 2022-06-27 02:16:52 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Priest
Aerie Peak-EU
Soulsurvivor 2022-06-22 16:34:53 BloodThirsty
Level 60
Tauren Druid
Ferreh 2022-06-21 23:57:00 Pacifist
Level 60
Tauren Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayapelli 2022-05-30 12:51:15 Pacifist
Level 60
Human Mage
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Mybloodysoul 2022-05-25 16:58:28 BloodThirsty
Level 60
Blood Elf Death Knight
Sneakee 2022-05-20 12:25:01 Pacifist
Level 60
Gnome Rogue
Aerie Peak-US
Notengoleche 2022-05-20 11:01:10 IronMan
Level 60
Tauren Hunter
Noharmdone 2022-05-17 12:38:38 Pacifist
Level 60
Night Elf Druid
Varenir 2022-04-28 12:16:31 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Hunter
Ironbro 2022-04-24 02:27:49 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Warrior
Aerie Peak-EU
Ironage 2022-04-24 02:19:35 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Mage
Aerie Peak-EU
Irondru 2022-04-24 02:08:18 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Druid
Aerie Peak-EU
Ironbroo 2022-04-24 02:02:47 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Rogue
Aerie Peak-EU
Lantanna 2022-04-23 14:34:10 Pacifist
Level 60
Tauren Druid
Earthen Ring-US
Downinfront 2022-04-22 23:03:59 Pacifist
Level 60
Gnome Hunter
Ferrekyyri 2022-04-18 22:53:31 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferrekadyna 2022-04-05 00:40:18 WorkingMan
Level 60
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferrekessa 2022-04-03 23:37:42 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ashflys 2022-04-03 06:29:12 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayawegia 2022-04-01 14:25:19 WorkingMan
Level 60
Draenei Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayagalian 2022-04-01 14:07:02 GreenMan
Level 60
Draenei Paladin
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Dwarfster 2022-03-31 13:15:31 IronMan
Level 60
Dwarf Warlock
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayavandra 2022-03-24 15:19:16 IronMan
Level 60
Draenei Shaman
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Pacileeta 2022-03-13 15:55:07 Pacifist
Level 60
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Soulfist 2022-03-03 19:12:01 BloodThirsty
Level 60
Draenei Monk
Ironbrû 2022-02-27 14:28:12 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Monk
Aerie Peak-EU
Zhairon 2022-02-11 05:04:01 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Warriorster 2022-02-10 07:14:14 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Warrior
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferreilean 2022-02-07 23:57:07 Pacifist
Level 60
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferreday 2022-02-05 00:14:28 Pacifist
Level 60
Human Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayaburdy 2022-01-08 04:44:49 BloodThirsty
Level 60
Gnome Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferrefae 2022-01-01 23:20:07 Pacifist
Level 60
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferreviola 2021-12-25 19:08:36 Pacifist
Level 60
Night Elf Mage
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Lireana 2021-12-21 03:33:07 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Druid
Ferrekessaa 2021-12-06 00:06:35 Pacifist
Level 60
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferrelyric 2021-11-23 15:36:38 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Gentlesoul 2021-11-20 01:13:40 Pacifist
Level 60
Gnome Priest
Xayaredria 2021-11-08 04:07:28 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Monk
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ashespally 2021-11-05 18:14:35 IronMan
Level 60
Draenei Paladin
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Gotashed 2021-10-21 15:47:09 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Frozensoul 2021-10-21 15:30:28 BloodThirsty
Level 60
Gnome Mage
Sterfried 2021-10-19 16:34:05 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayathauda 2021-10-17 16:45:18 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Mage
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Pallyster 2021-10-06 16:55:44 IronMan
Level 60
Human Paladin
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Jangpaci 2021-10-06 10:29:11 Pacifist
Level 60
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ashspaci 2021-09-30 16:13:02 Pacifist
Level 60
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayavandre 2021-09-30 08:07:42 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Asyy 2021-09-23 14:39:44 IronMan
Level 60
Pandaren Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Sappyboy 2021-09-18 13:39:29 Pacifist
Level 60
Night Elf Rogue
Harmless 2021-09-16 01:44:58 Pacifist
Level 60
Night Elf Druid
Soulsapped 2021-09-15 15:18:11 BloodThirsty
Level 60
Gnome Rogue
Shortster 2021-08-16 12:06:29 IronMan
Level 60
Dwarf Shaman
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ironbrue 2021-08-14 04:59:38 IronMan
Level 60
Human Hunter
Aerie Peak-EU
Kneesee 2021-08-11 15:43:25 BloodThirsty
Level 60
Pandaren Hunter
Elfster 2021-08-08 09:09:37 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayaraylea 2021-08-07 18:01:52 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferriona 2021-08-01 11:19:29 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Krisbt 2021-07-12 12:29:21 BloodThirsty
Level 60
Night Elf Hunter
Earthen Ring-EU
Xayarylin 2021-07-07 10:05:41 IronMan
Level 60
Orc Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayaztra 2021-07-07 04:13:34 IronMan
Level 60
Troll Warlock
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Janglurc 2021-06-13 09:49:09 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Trollster 2021-06-08 11:04:12 IronMan
Level 60
Troll Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Soulstoned 2021-06-02 15:24:57 BloodThirsty
Level 60
Dwarf Warlock
Xayatheria 2021-05-26 18:17:01 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Priest
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Lujma 2021-05-19 04:45:21 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Mage
Ironmaster 2021-05-12 09:04:18 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Maygester 2021-05-12 08:56:27 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Mage
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Priester 2021-05-02 05:52:19 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Priest
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferrenyys 2021-04-16 01:13:35 Pacifist
Level 60
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Hunterster 2021-04-09 14:31:51 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Workster 2021-04-02 16:32:46 WorkingMan
Level 60
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Soulshield 2021-03-24 16:05:29 BloodThirsty
Level 60
Draenei Paladin
Xayarallii 2021-03-10 13:09:49 TinMan
Level 60
Draenei Paladin
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Monkster 2021-03-03 13:33:22 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Monk
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayaparo 2021-02-24 14:41:44 Pacifist
Level 60
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayarwinna 2021-02-22 13:10:41 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Warrior
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Catster 2021-02-19 05:35:09 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Марбарни 2021-02-01 06:14:29 IronMan
Level 60
Tauren Paladin
Felinester 2021-01-25 17:54:56 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayasky 2021-01-25 07:37:07 IronMan
Level 60
Human Paladin
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Stagster 2021-01-17 08:22:32 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Soulsnuffer 2021-01-15 01:43:07 BloodThirsty
Level 60
Gnome Priest
Twothirsty 2021-01-14 13:08:15 BloodThirsty
Level 60
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Twothirsty 2021-01-14 13:08:15 IronMan
Level 60
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferrerona 2021-01-08 17:07:38 WorkingMan
Level 60
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Tejbegriz 2021-01-04 11:50:59 IronMan
Level 60
Tauren Paladin
Passeyster 2020-12-13 13:55:08 Pacifist
Level 60
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferreskyye 2020-11-29 09:58:10 Pacifist
Level 60
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferreday 2020-10-12 21:02:59 Pacifist
Level 120
Human Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Pacijang 2020-10-10 15:28:30 Pacifist
Level 120
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Innocence 2020-10-05 16:31:34 Pacifist
Level 120
Night Elf Druid
Greenblast 2020-09-30 13:05:59 GreenMan
Level 120
Night Elf Hunter
Tânee 2020-09-29 13:22:47 Pacifist
Level 120
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayaparo 2020-09-29 06:48:50 Pacifist
Level 120
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ashspaci 2020-09-27 08:17:51 Pacifist
Level 120
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Blamekhrys 2020-09-19 07:04:42 Pacifist
Level 120
Night Elf Monk
Asyjade 2020-09-11 04:22:04 GreenMan
Level 120
Gnome Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Gentlesoul 2020-09-10 19:39:32 Pacifist
Level 120
Gnome Priest
Ferreverdae 2020-09-09 20:32:23 GreenMan
Level 120
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferreviola 2020-09-09 10:15:06 Pacifist
Level 120
Night Elf Mage
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Cellery 2020-08-31 16:00:00 TinMan
Level 120
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Contester 2020-08-29 09:28:35 IronMan
Level 120
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ninetynine 2020-08-18 05:33:15 IronMan
Level 120
Human Paladin
Blade's Edge-US
Jangtest 2020-08-16 15:46:58 IronMan
Level 120
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Pacifist 2020-08-15 06:18:25 Pacifist
Level 120
Night Elf Druid
Passoneseven 2020-08-11 17:08:38 Pacifist
Level 120
Human Paladin
Blade's Edge-US
Varson 2020-08-02 07:06:55 IronMan
Level 120
Orc Warrior
Tomîra 2020-07-31 01:29:23 GreenMan
Level 120
Draenei Paladin
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayawomil 2020-07-30 12:54:17 WorkingMan
Level 120
Worgen Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Soulsnuffer 2020-07-27 12:43:08 BloodThirsty
Level 120
Gnome Priest
Huehue 2020-07-20 09:05:25 IronMan
Level 120
Human Monk
Bronze Dragonflight-EU
Xayamill 2020-07-15 05:06:33 IronMan
Level 120
Pandaren Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Rudge 2020-07-10 16:14:18 IronMan
Level 120
Kul Tiran Druid
Argent Dawn-EU
Asyiron 2020-07-05 20:51:21 IronMan
Level 120
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Razzack 2020-07-04 16:40:13 IronMan
Level 120
Orc Warlock
Janglurc 2020-07-02 08:52:00 IronMan
Level 120
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferrihope 2020-06-25 22:06:35 GreenMan
Level 120
Draenei Shaman
Earthen Ring-EU
Kokilla 2020-06-23 07:40:05 IronMan
Level 120
Blood Elf Warrior
Acebro 2020-06-20 14:16:27 IronMan
Level 120
Tauren Warrior
Xayagettara 2020-06-19 07:35:53 GreenMan
Level 120
Human Paladin
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferrerona 2020-06-17 15:20:38 WorkingMan
Level 120
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Caroucell 2020-06-16 08:56:20 IronMan
Level 120
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Thask 2020-06-14 05:41:39 IronMan
Level 120
Night Elf Druid
Asy 2020-06-07 12:49:57 IronMan
Level 120
Pandaren Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Silentherber 2020-06-07 06:03:31 Pacifist
Level 120
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ironbubble 2020-06-07 05:44:09 IronMan
Level 120
Tauren Paladin
Reinako 2020-05-28 20:49:56 IronMan
Level 120
Vulpera Death Knight
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Soulstoned 2020-05-26 15:53:34 BloodThirsty
Level 120
Dwarf Warlock
Celltic 2020-05-21 09:15:46 WorkingMan
Level 120
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Caraputrea 2020-05-11 09:32:49 IronMan
Level 120
Undead Warlock
Ferreskyye 2020-05-10 09:42:52 Pacifist
Level 120
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ironraptor 2020-05-09 19:21:36 IronMan
Level 120
Human Rogue
Soulspirit 2020-05-09 13:14:04 IronMan
Level 120
Troll Shaman
Tarren Mill-EU
Nacelles 2020-05-06 22:52:54 Pacifist
Level 120
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Thumadin 2020-05-02 17:40:31 IronMan
Level 120
Dark Iron Dwarf Shaman
Sacerdotalul 2020-04-30 18:16:11 IronMan
Level 120
Goblin Priest
Dookiedan 2020-04-26 22:17:58 GreenMan
Level 120
Blood Elf Paladin
Xayarallii 2020-04-24 17:33:04 TinMan
Level 120
Draenei Paladin
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Zimmz 2020-04-12 17:25:06 IronMan
Level 120
Goblin Mage
Fivechesty 2020-04-12 17:11:24 Pacifist
Level 120
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Fivechesty 2020-04-12 17:11:24 BloodThirsty
Level 120
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Pacileeta 2020-04-03 21:04:00 Pacifist
Level 120
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ironstarfall 2020-04-02 13:34:05 IronMan
Level 120
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Finnir 2020-04-01 16:58:44 BloodThirsty
Level 120
Dwarf Shaman
Kirin Tor-US
Greencell 2020-03-30 04:58:20 GreenMan
Level 120
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferrewynter 2020-03-29 14:15:27 WorkingMan
Level 120
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Pëarl 2020-03-27 07:39:30 IronMan
Level 120
Human Rogue
Mádmíck 2020-03-10 15:00:17 IronMan
Level 120
Dark Iron Dwarf Warrior
Kul Tiras-EU
Contestster 2020-03-04 18:49:19 WorkingMan
Level 120
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Jangreen 2020-02-15 07:25:53 GreenMan
Level 120
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Elennar 2020-02-07 10:46:18 IronMan
Level 120
Blood Elf Priest
Argent Dawn-EU
Rønnie 2019-12-16 13:50:12 BloodThirsty
Level 120
Troll Mage
Moon Guard-US
Bluecollar 2019-12-12 23:28:04 WorkingMan
Level 120
Gnome Monk
Camachojr 2019-12-02 15:52:51 IronMan
Level 120
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Fréyja 2019-11-23 10:03:44 IronMan
Level 120
Human Warlock
Argent Dawn-EU
Eisentanz 2019-11-23 06:34:46 IronMan
Level 120
Pandaren Hunter
Die Aldor-EU
Kasten 2019-11-08 17:36:11 IronMan
Level 120
Human Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Imposter 2019-09-05 11:42:26 IronMan
Level 120
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Tejbegriz 2019-07-07 08:09:17 IronMan
Level 120
Tauren Paladin
Nymphis 2019-06-30 13:53:40 IronMan
Level 120
Dwarf Shaman
Argent Dawn-EU
Eìght 2019-06-24 09:07:25 IronMan
Level 120
Draenei Hunter
Eexegigacute 2019-06-17 21:46:51 IronMan
Level 120
Gnome Hunter
Тэйдени 2019-06-15 03:29:09 IronMan
Level 120
Blood Elf Warrior
Howling Fjord-EU
Shinari 2019-05-21 09:35:11 IronMan
Level 120
Human Rogue
Die Silberne Hand-EU
Oxide 2019-05-15 23:20:46 IronMan
Level 120
Dwarf Warrior
Argent Dawn-EU
Krahkknahr 2019-05-10 05:25:01 IronMan
Level 120
Dark Iron Dwarf Hunter
Fivepride 2019-04-24 18:03:12 Pacifist
Level 120
Night Elf Monk
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Soulshield 2019-03-20 18:24:21 BloodThirsty
Level 120
Draenei Paladin
Twothirsty 2019-03-09 14:35:09 IronMan
Level 120
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Twothirsty 2019-03-09 14:35:09 BloodThirsty
Level 120
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferrekessaa 2019-02-26 07:11:35 Pacifist
Level 120
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferriona 2019-02-19 14:06:51 IronMan
Level 120
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Marabell 2019-01-30 14:35:59 IronMan
Level 120
Kul Tiran Druid
Xayabow 2019-01-16 14:03:35 TinMan
Level 120
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Tricksster 2019-01-11 08:49:26 TinMan
Level 120
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Skiir 2019-01-05 16:18:53 IronMan
Level 120
Night Elf Druid
Ironster 2019-01-05 08:23:06 TinMan
Level 120
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Perodin 2018-12-28 13:45:08 GreenMan
Level 120
Lfgd Draenei Paladin
Hueyhamster 2018-12-01 21:33:36 Pacifist
Level 120
Gnome Monk
Gronnok 2018-10-13 21:25:42 IronMan
Level 120
Orc Warrior
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferrigreen 2018-10-03 13:09:46 GreenMan
Level 120
Human Paladin
Earthen Ring-EU
Catster 2018-10-03 11:05:15 IronMan
Level 120
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Lyssan 2018-09-27 08:18:50 IronMan
Level 120
Night Elf Priest
Ferreilean 2018-09-24 16:43:57 Pacifist
Level 120
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Pista 2018-09-23 19:34:25 IronMan
Level 120
Blood Elf Demon Hunter
Shpoopy 2018-08-29 21:20:54 IronMan
Level 120
Undead Priest
Gizzards 2018-08-25 15:32:37 IronMan
Level 120
Gnome Warrior
Finnir 2018-08-19 01:33:35 IronMan
Level 120
Kul Tiran Warrior
Argent Dawn-EU
Fain 2018-08-18 21:08:12 IronMan
Level 120
Night Elf Demon Hunter
Fivecurmudgn 2018-08-18 13:50:29 Pacifist
Level 120
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Голаяправда 2018-08-16 11:27:17 Pacifist
Level 120
Night Elf Druid
Dravlin 2018-08-15 12:14:14 IronMan
Level 120
Dwarf Hunter
Twothirsty 2018-08-12 13:56:29 IronMan
Level 110
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Twothirsty 2018-08-12 13:56:29 BloodThirsty
Level 110
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferrigreenie 2018-08-09 09:00:04 GreenMan
Level 110
Human Paladin
Earthen Ring-EU
Veysana 2018-07-19 17:16:05 BloodThirsty
Level 110
Draenei Hunter
Fivecurmudgn 2018-04-03 17:33:38 Pacifist
Level 110
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Neverdiedrge 2018-03-08 15:13:07 IronMan
Level 110
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Neverdiedwar 2018-03-06 16:28:08 IronMan
Level 110
Night Elf Warrior
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Neverdiedpci 2018-02-25 13:43:56 Pacifist
Level 110
Night Elf Druid
Neverdiedply 2018-02-18 07:05:23 IronMan
Level 110
Draenei Paladin
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Shnuffletips 2018-02-17 06:45:30 Pacifist
Level 110
Night Elf Priest
Earthen Ring-EU
Marghope 2018-02-17 06:22:24 IronMan
Level 110
Night Elf Priest
Tinyissa 2018-01-23 16:45:01 IronMan
Level 110
Gnome Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Dellissa 2018-01-15 14:44:00 IronMan
Level 110
Blood Elf Death Knight
Camachojr 2018-01-14 07:57:45 IronMan
Level 110
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Deidrevendru 2018-01-13 09:14:02 IronMan
Level 110
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Neverdiedprt 2017-12-08 15:26:26 IronMan
Level 110
Night Elf Priest
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferreilean 2017-11-23 08:16:06 Pacifist
Level 110
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Zymcore 2017-11-21 08:16:37 IronMan
Level 110
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Annabolic 2017-10-20 08:01:03 IronMan
Level 110
Draenei Paladin
Earthen Ring-EU
Annabolic 2017-10-20 08:01:03 TinMan
Level 110
Draenei Paladin
Earthen Ring-EU
Outroguester 2017-09-27 14:11:03 IronMan
Level 110
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Margrage 2017-09-02 10:32:45 IronMan
Level 110
Night Elf Warrior
Margblink 2017-08-29 13:25:57 IronMan
Level 110
Night Elf Mage
Ironzadora 2017-08-06 04:12:38 IronMan
Level 110
Dwarf Paladin
Kul Tiras-EU
Bikinibabe 2017-08-05 00:42:26 IronMan
Level 110
Blood Elf Hunter
Bazta 2017-06-29 06:14:47 IronMan
Level 110
Night Elf Hunter
Earthen Ring-EU
Eìght 2017-06-28 19:40:25 IronMan
Level 110
Draenei Hunter
Tricksster 2017-06-22 18:43:09 IronMan
Level 110
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Tricksster 2017-06-22 18:43:09 TinMan
Level 110
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Neverdiedsha 2017-06-15 15:24:00 IronMan
Level 110
Draenei Shaman
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Exploithon 2017-06-10 11:12:14 IronMan
Level 110
Goblin Hunter
Asylunn 2017-04-28 16:15:01 IronMan
Level 110
Pandaren Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Deidrevenw 2017-04-21 18:45:28 IronMan
Level 110
Worgen Warlock
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Awayn 2017-03-14 11:11:48 IronMan
Level 110
Draenei Hunter
Deidrevens 2017-02-22 17:44:18 IronMan
Level 110
Night Elf Mage
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Neverdiedbld 2017-01-29 14:45:50 BloodThirsty
Level 110
Pandaren Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Голаяправда 2017-01-21 12:51:18 Pacifist
Level 110
Night Elf Druid
Голаяправда 2017-01-21 12:51:18 Pacifist
Level 110
Night Elf Druid
Ferriona 2016-12-16 19:24:26 IronMan
Level 110
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Jernmand 2016-11-15 12:17:52 IronMan
Level 110
Night Elf Hunter
Earthen Ring-EU
Margymonk 2016-11-13 15:18:04 IronMan
Level 110
Night Elf Monk
Deidrevenm 2016-11-13 09:26:23 IronMan
Level 110
Night Elf Monk
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Marghunt 2016-11-12 11:35:11 IronMan
Level 110
Night Elf Hunter
Catster 2016-11-04 16:10:42 IronMan
Level 110
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ironster 2016-11-02 14:15:01 IronMan
Level 110
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Neverdiedh 2016-10-22 12:25:51 IronMan
Level 110
Pandaren Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Lyssan 2016-09-29 15:41:24 IronMan
Level 110
Night Elf Priest
Neverdiedh 2016-08-21 07:08:47 IronMan
Level 100
Pandaren Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Catster 2016-08-20 05:11:24 IronMan
Level 100
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Awayn 2016-08-16 09:19:48 IronMan
Level 100
Draenei Hunter
Ñandaru 2016-07-30 02:45:32 IronMan
Level 100
Tauren Druid
Margymonk 2016-07-07 05:55:07 IronMan
Level 100
Night Elf Monk
Xyrelle 2016-06-29 11:19:51 Pacifist
Level 100
Night Elf Rogue
Sepa 2016-06-02 23:59:23 IronMan
Level 100
Gnome Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Bloodless 2016-05-18 09:15:48 Pacifist
Level 100
Dwarf Rogue
Tânee 2016-05-18 08:32:19 Pacifist
Level 100
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ironster 2016-05-15 04:34:43 IronMan
Level 100
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Вирджиз 2016-04-17 14:42:14 IronMan
Level 100
Night Elf Hunter
Ironrevenge 2016-04-16 11:03:02 IronMan
Level 100
Dwarf Monk
Lyssande 2016-04-03 06:06:47 IronMan
Level 100
Night Elf Warrior
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Marghunt 2016-03-13 07:03:03 IronMan
Level 100
Night Elf Hunter
Fckingyolo 2016-03-11 11:17:25 IronMan
Level 100
Night Elf Hunter
Darkmoon Faire-EU
Ironstevo 2016-03-05 18:52:42 IronMan
Level 100
Undead Warlock
Earthen Ring-US
Ferriona 2016-02-20 17:15:32 IronMan
Level 100
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Boneless 2015-12-05 07:32:33 IronMan
Level 100
Undead Hunter
Asyluun 2015-11-20 11:45:00 IronMan
Level 100
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Deidrevenm 2015-08-31 15:39:49 IronMan
Level 100
Night Elf Monk
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferreskye 2015-06-04 15:20:56 IronMan
Level 100
Night Elf Priest
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Jernmand 2015-06-04 06:08:00 IronMan
Level 100
Night Elf Hunter
Earthen Ring-EU
Ironashs 2015-02-07 10:54:18 IronMan
Level 100
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferrenys 2015-01-17 19:25:18 IronMan
Level 100
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayaforsi 2014-12-20 19:34:37 IronMan
Level 100
Pandaren Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Lyssan 2014-12-14 13:43:25 IronMan
Level 100
Night Elf Priest
Toxicat 2014-11-01 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 90
Night Elf Druid
Ironashs 2014-11-01 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 90
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Ferreskye 2014-11-01 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 90
Night Elf Priest
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Baszor 2014-11-01 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 90
Worgen Druid
Ferriona 2014-11-01 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 90
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Tanèè 2014-11-01 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 90
Night Elf Druid
Tænæ 2014-11-01 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 90
Night Elf Priest
Asyiiron 2014-11-01 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 90
Pandaren Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Poohster 2014-11-01 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 90
Pandaren Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Xayaforsi 2014-11-01 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 90
Pandaren Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Deidrevenm 2014-11-01 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 90
Night Elf Monk
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Taneë 2014-11-01 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 90
Draenei Paladin
Ironicow 2014-11-01 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 90
Tauren Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Deidreven 2014-11-01 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 90
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Grayarcher 2014-11-01 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 90
Night Elf Hunter
Aerie Peak-US
Nodeadster 2014-11-01 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 90
Night Elf Rogue
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Tohat 2014-11-01 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 90
Human Hunter
Lyssan 2014-11-01 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 90
Night Elf Priest
Ferrenys 2014-11-01 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 90
Night Elf Druid
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Iarnaigvi 2014-11-01 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 90
Human Warlock
Earthen Ring-EU
Tanæ 2014-11-01 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 90
Draenei Hunter
Jernmand 2014-11-01 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 90
Night Elf Hunter
Earthen Ring-EU
Nàhor 2014-11-01 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 90
Pandaren Hunter
Emerald Dream-EU
Fiveironxlix 2014-06-21 08:18:20 IronMan
Level 90
Goblin Hunter
Kripparrian 2012-12-31 23:59:59 IronMan
Level 85
Troll Hunter
Ironalt 2012-12-31 23:59:59 IronMan
Level 85
Tauren Hunter
Earthen Ring-EU
Nüts 2012-12-31 23:59:59 IronMan
Level 85
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Enferrujo 2012-12-31 23:59:59 IronMan
Level 85
Night Elf Mage
Wyrmrest Accord-US
Notso 2012-12-31 23:59:59 IronMan
Level 85
Dwarf Hunter
Брукс 2012-12-31 23:59:59 IronMan
Level 85
Orc Hunter
Aelfer 2012-12-31 23:59:59 IronMan
Level 85
Night Elf Druid
Cenarion Circle-US
Ironfurbaer 2012-08-07 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 85
Night Elf Druid
Earthen Ring-EU
Iarnaigvi 2012-08-07 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 85
Human Warlock
Earthen Ring-EU
Ironstevo 2012-08-07 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 85
Undead Warlock
Earthen Ring-US
Lyssan 2012-08-07 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 85
Night Elf Priest
Deidreven 2012-08-07 00:00:00 IronMan
Level 85
Night Elf Hunter
Wyrmrest Accord-US
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Challenge Type
Blood Thirsty
Working Man
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Your character must be Level 10 or higher.
You enable your 'Display Only Character Achievements to Others'.
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In order to add your character you must meet these criteria:
Your character must be Level 10 or higher.
You enable your 'Display Only Character Achievements to Others'.
Log Out of your character. THEN Exit WoW.
You must not have already broken the