Pacifist Challenge Rules
Get to max-level without killing anything. Significant differences from the Iron Man are:
- No killing is allowed (sort of… see below).
- All professions are allowed.
Have a question about the rules? Check out our FAQ.
- Do Not Die! – the most important rule of the challenge. Break this rule and your character
will get moved to the Honoured Dead section.
- No killing allowed. Sort of…
- You are allowed up to TEN kills if there are NO Killing Blows. You will remain green-flagged in this situation.
- If you have ten or less kills AND one or two Killing Blows you will be Yellow-Flagged.
- If you have ten or less less kills and three or more Killing Blows you will be Red-Flagged.
- If you have more than ten kills you will be Red-Flagged.
- No gear higher than White quality. Break this rule and your character is RED FLAGGED.
- No enchantments on your gear (DK Rune Empowerment is an exception as it is a class skill).
Break this rule and your character is RED FLAGGED.
- NEW!!! Green+ Tabards and Shirts will now get you RED FLAGGED.
Tabards and shirts are no longer ignored.
- Talents are ALLOWED.
- Talent point resets are allowed.
- Skills you have from your class (like Warlock Healthstones or Death Knight weapon enchants) ARE ALLOWED.
- Spec changes are allowed.
- Glyphs are allowed as they are now visual / cosmetic effects.
- Professions ARE allowed, however, just because you have Skinning doesn’t mean you get to break the killing rule.
- No ELIXIRS, Potions or Flasks used.
We also check for Healthstones used if you are not a Warlock. Break this rule and your character is RED FLAGGED. NO EXCEPTIONS!
- Cannot join a party, raid or group with the intent of getting help to further yourself in the challenge.
- This means you CANNOT send yourself gold, bags, gear, whatever to assist in the challenge.
- No dungeons, raids, world bosses, arenas, or battlegrounds allowed.
- Joining a guild is OKAY, however, you cannot use Guild Repairs or the guild bank to assist your character in any way.
- Leveling via Pet Battles is NOT ALLOWED.
- Cannot boost your character.
- No food buffs or other external buffs are allowed. Class abilities, racials and personal buffs (eg. Kings if you’re a Paladin) are okay!
- No Refer-a-Friend or other XP-boosting activites, gear or buffs (Darkmoon Faire, Heirlooms, Garrison potion, etc). Yes, this includes Monk’s XP buff: NOT ALLOWED.
- All Mounts (including Heirloom and Mount Equipment) and Account-wide abilities (Toys) are allowed.
- Draenor Specific Rules
- Flying in Draenor: Allowed.
- Garrisons: NOT ALLOWED – Unlocking a Garrison is not possible without killing mobs so therefore Garrisons are NOT ALLOWED.
- Legion Specific Rules
- Artifact Weapon is not white or grey: NOT ALLOWED.
- Flying in Legion: ALLOWED.
- Legion Intro Skipping: ALLOWED.
- Using Champions as bodyguards: NOT ALLOWED.
- Using Class Order Hall “Upgrades”: NOT ALLOWED.
- Battle for Azeroth Specific Rules
- Heart of Azeroth: NOT ALLOWED. (Completing quest auto-equips Heart and will red-flag you)
- War Mode: ALLOWED. A death via PvP still counts as a death.
- First Aid bandages are allowed to be purchased from the Auction House.
- Azerite Armor: NOT ALLOWED.
- Research “Upgrades”: NOT ALLOWED.
- Island Expeditions: NOT ALLOWED.
- Battle for Lordaeron Scenario Skipping: ALLOWED.
- Shadowlands Specific Rules
- Exile’s Reach: NOT ALLOWED.
- Chromie Time: ALLOWED.
- Threads of Fate: ALLOWED. (Since 9.1.5 now gives a way for a Pacifist toon to access Shadowlands zones without killing mobs by using the Maw skip).
- Covenants: ALLOWED.
- Soulbinds and Conduits: NOT ALLOWED.
- Torghast: NOT ALLOWED.
- Maw Skip: ALLOWED.
- Dragonflight Specific Rules
- The War Within Specific Rules
- Skyriding and Steady flight: ALLOWED
- Follower Dungeons: NOT ALLOWED (still a dungeon)
- Intro skip: ALLOWED
- Bonus XP due to multiple Level 80 toons : ALLOWED
- Taking the portal to Dornagal is allowed