Item slots equipped with Uncommon items: 12Item slots equipped with Rare items: 15Item slots equipped with Epic items: 7Item slots equipped with Heirloom items: 6
Food eaten: 3Food eaten most: 2Different foods eaten: 2Healthstones used: 1
Total kills: 332Total kills that grant experience or honor: 1713
Creatures killed: 2463Different creature types killed: 10Creature type killed the most: 1390Critters killed: 75
Total Killing Blows: 1840World Killing Blows: 1312
Total deaths: 8Deaths from falling: 1Total deaths in dungeons: 5Resurrected by soulstones: 1
Quests completed: 274Average quests completed per day: 1.363184079602Daily quests completed: 2Average daily quests completed per day: 0.0099502487562189Quests abandoned: 8
Flight paths taken: 12Number of times hearthed: 13
Number of hugs: 1Total times LOL'd: 4
Total 5-player dungeons entered: 29Cataclysm dungeons completed (final boss defeated): 8Pandaria raid bosses defeated: 49Pandaria raid boss defeated the most: 28
Nexus-Prince Shaffar kills (Mana Tombs): 1Epoch Hunter kills (The Escape From Durnholde): 1Quagmirran kills (Slave Pens): 1Talon King Ikiss kills (Sethekk Halls): 1
Ascendant Lord Obsidius kills (Heroic Blackrock Caverns): 2High Priestess Azil kills (Heroic Stonecore): 1Asaad kills (Heroic Vortex Pinnacle): 2Siamat kills (Heroic Lost City of the Tol'vir): 1Murozond kills (End Time): 2
Sha of Anger kills (Kun-Lai Summit): 21Salyis's Warband kills (Valley of the Four Winds): 28Oondasta kills: 2
Rukhmar kills (Spires of Arak): 6
Total deaths from other players: 1Total deaths from opposite faction: 1
Vanity pets owned: 2Pet Battles won at max level: 23
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