Total kills: 388Total kills that grant experience or honor: 335
Creatures killed: 388Different creature types killed: 3Creature type killed the most: 172
Total Killing Blows: 385World Killing Blows: 385
Quests completed: 143Average quests completed per day: 0.58847736625514Daily quests completed: 12Average daily quests completed per day: 0.049382716049383Quests abandoned: 11
Professions learned: 2
Cooking skill: 300Cooking Recipes known: 27Fishing skill: 18Fish caught: 46Fish and other things caught: 84
Highest Herbalism skill: 57Highest Mining skill: 30Smelting Recipes learned: 1
Flight paths taken: 13Number of times hearthed: 8
Vanity pets owned: 3
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