Item slots equipped with Uncommon items: 16
Item slots equipped with Rare items: 16
Item slots equipped with Epic items: 17
Item slots equipped with Legendary items: 1
Valorstones earned: 2070
Item slots equipped with Uncommon items: 16
Item slots equipped with Rare items: 16
Item slots equipped with Epic items: 17
Item slots equipped with Legendary items: 1
Valorstones earned: 2070
Healthstones used: 44
Total kills: 506
Total kills that grant experience or honor: 26387
Creatures killed: 38572
Different creature types killed: 10
Creature type killed the most: 14183
Critters killed: 1081
Total Killing Blows: 32111
World Killing Blows: 6299
Total deaths: 261
Deaths from falling: 8
Total deaths in raids: 1
Total deaths in dungeons: 28
Total deaths in delves: 8
Resurrected by priests: 1
Rebirthed by druids: 1
Revived by druids: 1
Restored by paladins: 1
Redeemed by paladins: 1
Quests completed: 3627
Average quests completed per day: 2.1398230088496
Daily quests completed: 846
Average daily quests completed per day: 0.49911504424779
Quests abandoned: 1374
Professions learned: 2
Cooking skill: 1
Cooking Recipes known: 11
Fishing skill: 1
Fish and other things caught: 3
Highest Engineering skill: 1
Engineering Schematics learned: 3
Highest Mining skill: 108
Smelting Recipes learned: 31
Flight paths taken: 430
Summons accepted: 3
Mage Portals taken: 2
Mage portal taken most: 2
Number of times hearthed: 251
Number of hugs: 3
Total cheers: 2
Total waves: 2
Companion levels obtained: 2
Mislaid Curiosities looted: 37
Puzzles completed: 1
Tier 3 delves completed: 3
Tier 4 delves completed: 1
Tier 5 delves completed: 1
Tier 6 delves completed: 1
Tier 8 delves completed: 1
Total delves completed: 7
Earthcrawl Mines clears: 4
The Waterworks clears: 1
The Sinkhole clears: 1
Skittering Breach clears: 1
Restored Coffer Keys obtained: 8
The War Within delve completed the most: 4
Total 5-player dungeons entered: 133
Total 10-player raids entered: 2
Total 25-player raids entered: 17
Lich King 25-player raids completed (final boss defeated): 1
Lich King 25-player bosses defeated: 1
Lich King 25-player boss defeated the most: 1
Cataclysm dungeons completed (final boss defeated): 5
Cataclysm raids completed (final boss defeated): 1
Pandaria dungeons completed (final boss defeated): 1
Pandaria dungeon bosses defeated: 4
Pandaria dungeon boss defeated the most: 1
Pandaria raid bosses defeated: 10
Pandaria raid boss defeated the most: 3
Draenor dungeons completed (final boss defeated): 2
Draenor dungeon bosses defeated: 8
Draenor dungeon boss defeated the most: 1
Legion dungeons completed (final boss defeated): 5
Legion dungeon bosses defeated: 18
Legion dungeon boss defeated the most: 1
Legion raids completed (final boss defeated): 18
Legion raid bosses defeated: 156
Legion raid boss defeated the most: 14
Chief Ukorz Sandscalp kills (Zul'Farrak): 2
Rivendare kills (Stratholme): 1
Nefarian kills (Blackwing Lair): 1
Black Stalker kills (Underbog): 1
Warp Splinter kills (The Botanica): 1
Illidan Stormrage kills (The Black Temple): 28
Malygos kills (25 player): 1
Lord Marrowgar kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player): 9
Lady Deathwhisper kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player): 9
Gunship Battle victories (Heroic Icecrown 25 player): 9
Deathbringer kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player): 9
Festergut kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player): 9
Rotface kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player): 9
Blood Prince Council kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player): 9
Valithria Dreamwalker rescues (Heroic Icecrown 25 player): 6
Professor Putricide kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player): 9
Blood Queen Lana'thel kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player): 9
Sindragosa kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player): 9
Victories over the Lich King (Heroic Icecrown 25 player): 9
Ozumat kills (Heroic Throne of the Tides): 1
High Priestess Azil kills (Heroic Stonecore): 1
Asaad kills (Heroic Vortex Pinnacle): 1
Siamat kills (Heroic Lost City of the Tol'vir): 1
Magmaw Heroic kills (Blackwing Descent): 1
Omnotron Heroic kills (Blackwing Descent): 1
Maloriak Heroic kills (Blackwing Descent): 1
Atramedes Heroic kills (Blackwing Descent): 1
Chimaeron Heroic kills (Blackwing Descent): 1
Nefarian Heroic kills (Blackwing Descent): 1
Murozond kills (End Time): 1
Taran Zhu redemptions (Heroic Shado-Pan Monastery): 1
Imperial Vizier Zor'lok kills (10-player Heroic Heart of Fear): 1
Imperial Vizier Zor'lok kills (25-player Heroic Heart of Fear): 2
Protectors of the Endless kills (10-player Heroic Terrace of Endless Spring): 1
Protectors of the Endless kills (25-player Heroic Terrace of Endless Spring): 2
Tsulong redemptions (10-player Heroic Terrace of Endless Spring): 1
Tsulong redemptions (25-player Heroic Terrace of Endless Spring): 2
Lei Shi redemptions (25-player Heroic Terrace of Endless Spring): 1
Oondasta kills: 1
Immerseus defeated (Flexible Siege of Orgrimmar): 1
Fallen Protectors kills (Flexible Siege of Orgrimmar): 1
Norushen's test passed (Flexible Siege of Orgrimmar): 1
Sha of Pride kills (Flexible Siege of Orgrimmar): 1
Teron'gor kills (Heroic Auchindoun): 1
Ner'zhul kills (Heroic Shadowmoon Burial Grounds): 1
Odyn defeats (Mythic Halls of Valor): 1
Fel Lord Betrug kills (Mythic Assault on Violet Hold): 1
Kur'talos Ravencrest defeats (Mythic Black Rook Hold): 1
Helya defeats (Mythic Maw of Souls): 1
Advisor Melandrus kills (Mythic Court of Stars): 1
Mephistroth kills (Mythic Cathedral of Eternal Night): 1
Nythendra kills (Normal Emerald Nightmare): 2
Nythendra kills (Heroic Emerald Nightmare): 6
Nythendra kills (Mythic Emerald Nightmare): 6
Elerethe Renferal kills (Normal Emerald Nightmare): 2
Elerethe Renferal kills (Heroic Emerald Nightmare): 6
Elerethe Renferal kills (Mythic Emerald Nightmare): 6
Il'gynoth kills (Normal Emerald Nightmare): 2
Il'gynoth kills (Heroic Emerald Nightmare): 5
Il'gynoth kills (Mythic Emerald Nightmare): 6
Ursoc kills (Normal Emerald Nightmare): 2
Ursoc kills (Heroic Emerald Nightmare): 5
Ursoc kills (Mythic Emerald Nightmare): 6
Dragons of Nightmare kills (Normal Emerald Nightmare): 2
Dragons of Nightmare kills (Heroic Emerald Nightmare): 5
Dragons of Nightmare kills (Mythic Emerald Nightmare): 6
Cenarius redemptions (Normal Emerald Nightmare): 2
Cenarius redemptions (Heroic Emerald Nightmare): 5
Cenarius redemptions (Mythic Emerald Nightmare): 6
Xavius kills (Normal Emerald Nightmare): 2
Xavius kills (Heroic Emerald Nightmare): 5
Xavius kills (Mythic Emerald Nightmare): 6
Skorpyron kills (Raid Finder Nighthold): 1
Skorpyron kills (Normal Nighthold): 6
Skorpyron kills (Mythic Nighthold): 1
Chronomatic Anomaly kills (Raid Finder Nighthold): 1
Chronomatic Anomaly kills (Normal Nighthold): 6
Chronomatic Anomaly kills (Mythic Nighthold): 1
Trilliax kills (Raid Finder Nighthold): 1
Trilliax kills (Normal Nighthold): 6
Trilliax kills (Mythic Nighthold): 1
Spellblade Aluriel kills (Normal Nighthold): 5
Spellblade Aluriel kills (Mythic Nighthold): 1
Star Augur Etraeus kills (Normal Nighthold): 5
Star Augur Etraeus kills (Mythic Nighthold): 1
High Botanist Tel'arn kills (Normal Nighthold): 5
High Botanist Tel'arn kills (Mythic Nighthold): 1
Tichondrius kills (Normal Nighthold): 5
Tichondrius kills (Mythic Nighthold): 1
Krosus kills (Normal Nighthold): 5
Grand Magistrix Elisande kills (Normal Nighthold): 5
Gul'dan kills (Normal Nighthold): 5
Goroth kills (Raid Finder Tomb of Sargeras): 1
Goroth kills (Heroic Tomb of Sargeras): 1
Goroth kills (Mythic Tomb of Sargeras): 1
Harjatan kills (Raid Finder Tomb of Sargeras): 1
Harjatan kills (Heroic Tomb of Sargeras): 2
Sisters of the Moon kills (Heroic Tomb of Sargeras): 1
Mistress Sassz'ine kills (Raid Finder Tomb of Sargeras): 1
Mistress Sassz'ine kills (Heroic Tomb of Sargeras): 2
The Desolate Host kills (Heroic Tomb of Sargeras): 1
Maiden of Vigilance kills (Heroic Tomb of Sargeras): 1
Fallen Avatar kills (Heroic Tomb of Sargeras): 1
Kil'jaeden kills (Heroic Tomb of Sargeras): 1
Avatar of Sethraliss kills (Heroic Temple of Sethraliss): 1
Gorak Tul kills (Heroic Waycrest Manor): 1
King Mechagon kills (Heroic Mechagon - Workshop): 1
HK-8 Aerial Opression Unit kills (Heroic Mechagon - Junkyard): 1
Taloc kills (Mythic Uldir): 1
MOTHER kills (Mythic Uldir): 1
Fetid Devourer kills (Mythic Uldir): 1
Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth kills (Mythic Uldir): 1
Vectis kills (Mythic Uldir): 1
Zul, Reborn kills (Mythic Uldir): 1
Mythrax the Unraveler kills (Mythic Uldir): 1
G'huun kills (Mythic Uldir): 1
Wrathion, the Black Emperor kills (Raid Finder Ny'alotha, the Waking City): 1
Wrathion, the Black Emperor kills (Heroic Ny'alotha, the Waking City): 1
Maut kills (Raid Finder Ny'alotha, the Waking City): 1
The Prophet Skitra kills (Raid Finder Ny'alotha, the Waking City): 1
Shad'har the Insatiable kills (Raid Finder Ny'alotha, the Waking City): 2
Drest'agath kills (Raid Finder Ny'alotha, the Waking City): 2
Carapace of N'Zoth kills (Raid Finder Ny'alotha, the Waking City): 1
N'Zoth the Corruptor kills (Raid Finder Ny'alotha, the Waking City): 1
Muah'zala kills (Heroic De Other Side): 2
Lord Chamberlain kills (Normal Halls of Atonement): 1
Lord Chamberlain kills (Heroic Halls of Atonement): 3
Tred'ova kills (Normal Mists of Tirna Scithe): 2
Tred'ova kills (Heroic Mists of Tirna Scithe): 2
Margrave Stradama kills (Heroic Plaguefall): 2
General Kaal kills (Heroic Sanguine Depths): 2
Devos kills (Heroic Spires of Ascension): 1
Nalthor the Rimebinder kills (Heroic The Necrotic Wake): 2
Mordretha kills (Heroic Theater of Pain): 2
Huntsman Altimor Kills (Raid Finder Castle Nathria): 1
Hungering Destroyer Kills (Raid Finder Castle Nathria): 1
Lady Inerva Darkvein Kills (Raid Finder Castle Nathria): 1
Balakar Khan kills (Normal The Nokhud Offensive): 1
Gnarlroot kills (Raid Finder Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope): 3
Igira the Cruel kills (Raid Finder Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope): 3
Volcoross kills (Raid Finder Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope): 5
Council of Dreams kills (Raid Finder Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope): 4
Larodar, Keeper of the Flame kills (Raid Finder Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope): 5
Nymue, Warden of the Cycle kills (Raid Finder Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope): 4
Smolderon kills (Raid Finder Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope): 4
Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame kills (Raid Finder Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope): 7
Fyrakk the Blazing kills (Raid Finder Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope): 7
Izo, the Grand Splicer kills (Normal City of Threads): 1
Prioress Murrpray kills (Normal Priory of the Sacred Flame): 1
Rasha'nan kills (Normal The Dawnbreaker): 1
Voidstone Monstrosity kills (Normal The Rookery): 2
Ulgrax the Devourer kills (Raid Finder Nerub-ar Palace): 1
The Bloodbound Horror kills (Raid Finder Nerub-ar Palace): 1
Sikran, Captain of the Sureki kills (Raid Finder Nerub-ar Palace): 1
The Silken Court kills (Raid Finder Nerub-ar Palace): 1
Queen Ansurek kills (Raid Finder Nerub-ar Palace): 1
Total deaths from other players: 16
Pet Battles won at max level: 137
PvP Pet Battles won at max level: 1
Flightstones earned: 8923
Whelpling's Shadowflame Crest Fragments earned: 273
Drake's Shadowflame Crest Fragments earned: 94
Whelpling's Dreaming Crests earned: 569
Drake's Dreaming Crests earned: 150
Wyrm's Dreaming Crests earned: 105
Whelpling's Awakened Crests earned: 282
Drake's Awakened Crests earned: 155
Weathered Harbinger Crests earned: 232
Carved Harbinger Crests earned: 233
Runed Harbinger Crests earned: 32