Item slots equipped with Uncommon items: 16
Item slots equipped with Rare items: 13
Item slots equipped with Epic items: 15
Valorstones earned: 1018
Weathered Harbinger Crests earned: 133
Carved Harbinger Crests earned: 209
Item slots equipped with Uncommon items: 16
Item slots equipped with Rare items: 13
Item slots equipped with Epic items: 15
Valorstones earned: 1018
Weathered Harbinger Crests earned: 133
Carved Harbinger Crests earned: 209
Total kills: 150
Total kills that grant experience or honor: 8919
Creatures killed: 8529
Different creature types killed: 9
Creature type killed the most: 4296
Critters killed: 303
Total Killing Blows: 3452
World Killing Blows: 1731
Battleground Killing Blows: 1
Arathi Basin Killing Blows: 1
Total deaths: 23
Deaths from falling: 1
Total deaths in raids: 8
Total deaths in dungeons: 5
Rebirthed by druids: 2
Spirit returned to body by shamans: 1
Quests completed: 995
Average quests completed per day: 4.1115702479339
Daily quests completed: 49
Average daily quests completed per day: 0.20247933884298
Quests abandoned: 28
Professions learned: 2
Highest Alchemy skill: 60
Alchemy Recipes learned: 21
Highest Engineering skill: 60
Engineering Schematics learned: 27
Total Crafting Orders Fulfilled: 49
Alchemy Crafting Orders Fulfilled: 19
Engineering Crafting Orders Fulfilled: 30
Flight paths taken: 10
Summons accepted: 1
Total times playing world's smallest violin: 1
Restored Coffer Keys obtained: 6
Total 5-player dungeons entered: 23
Total 10-player raids entered: 1
Total 25-player raids entered: 55
Pandaria dungeons completed (final boss defeated): 11
Pandaria dungeon bosses defeated: 29
Pandaria dungeon boss defeated the most: 12
Pandaria raids completed (final boss defeated): 24
Pandaria raid bosses defeated: 105
Pandaria raid boss defeated the most: 13
Draenor dungeons completed (final boss defeated): 1
Draenor dungeon bosses defeated: 4
Draenor dungeon boss defeated the most: 1
Black Stalker kills (Underbog): 1
Sha of Doubt kills (Temple of the Jade Serpent): 1
Sha of Doubt kills (Heroic Temple of the Jade Serpent): 1
Yan-Zhu the Uncasked kills (Heroic Stormstout Brewery): 1
Xin the Weaponmaster kills (Mogu'shan Palace): 1
Xin the Weaponmaster kills (Heroic Mogu'shan Palace): 1
Taran Zhu redemptions (Shado-Pan Monastery): 1
Taran Zhu redemptions (Heroic Shado-Pan Monastery): 1
Raigonn kills (Heroic Gate of the Setting Sun): 1
Flameweaver Koegler kills (Heroic Scarlet Halls): 1
High Inquisitor Whitemane kills (Heroic Scarlet Monastery): 1
Darkmaster Gandling kills (Heroic Scholomance): 2
Wing Leader Ner'onok kills (Heroic Siege of Niuzao Temple): 1
Sha of Anger kills (Kun-Lai Summit): 5
Salyis's Warband kills (Valley of the Four Winds): 6
Stone Guard kills (LFR Mogu'shan Vaults): 3
Stone Guard kills (10-player Normal Mogu'shan Vaults): 1
Feng the Accursed kills (LFR Mogu'shan Vaults): 3
Feng the Accursed kills (10-player Normal Mogu'shan Vaults): 1
Gara'jal the Spiritbinder kills (LFR Mogu'shan Vaults): 3
Gara'jal the Spiritbinder kills (10-player Normal Mogu'shan Vaults): 1
Four Kings kills (LFR Mogu'shan Vaults): 4
Four Kings kills (10-player Normal Mogu'shan Vaults): 1
Elegon kills (LFR Mogu'shan Vaults): 4
Elegon kills (10-player Normal Mogu'shan Vaults): 1
Will of the Emperor kills (LFR Normal Mogu'shan Vaults): 4
Will of the Emperor kills (10-player Normal Mogu'shan Vaults): 1
Imperial Vizier Zor'lok kills (LFR Heart of Fear): 3
Blade Lord Ta'yak kills (LFR Heart of Fear): 3
Garalon kills (LFR Heart of Fear): 3
Wind Lord Mel'jarak kills (LFR Heart of Fear): 3
Amber-Shaper Un'sok kills (LFR Heart of Fear): 3
Grand Empress Shek'zeer kills (LFR Heart of Fear): 3
Protectors of the Endless kills (LFR Terrace of Endless Spring): 13
Tsulong redemptions (LFR Terrace of Endless Spring): 13
Lei Shi redemptions (LFR Terrace of Endless Spring): 13
Sha of Fear kills (LFR Terrace of Endless Spring): 13
Nalak kills: 6
Oondasta kills: 5
Jin'rokh the Breaker kills (LFR Throne of Thunder): 2
Horridon kills (LFR Throne of Thunder): 2
Council of Elders kills (LFR Throne of Thunder): 2
Tortos kills (LFR Throne of Thunder): 1
Megaera kills (LFR Throne of Thunder): 1
Ji-Kun kills (LFR Throne of Thunder): 2
Durumu the Forgotten kills (LFR Throne of Thunder): 23
Primordius kills (LFR Throne of Thunder): 23
Dark Animus kills (LFR Throne of Thunder): 23
Iron Qon kills (LFR Throne of Thunder): 2
Twin Consorts kills (LFR Throne of Thunder): 2
Lei Shen kills (LFR Throne of Thunder): 2
Trials of Chi-Ji completed: 2
Trials of Niuzao completed: 3
Trials of Xuen completed: 2
Trials of Yu'lon completed: 2
Ordos kills: 4
Garrosh Hellscream (Flexible Siege of Orgrimmar): 1
Total deaths from other players: 10
Total deaths from opposite faction: 4
Battlegrounds played: 1
Battlegrounds won: 1
Arathi Basin battles: 1
Arathi Basin victories: 1
Vanity pets owned: 3
Pet Battles won at max level: 5176
Flightstones earned: 46
Whelpling's Awakened Crests earned: 2