Flight paths taken: 84 Number of times hearthed: 59
Total times LOL'd: 1 Total waves: 1
Dungeons & Raids
Total 5-player dungeons entered: 28 Draenor dungeons completed (final boss defeated): 2 Draenor dungeon bosses defeated: 8 Draenor dungeon boss defeated the most: 2
Warlords of Draenor
High Sage Viryx kills (Skyreach): 2
Battle for Azeroth
Vol'zith the Whisperer kills (Normal Shrine of the Storm): 1 Avatar of Sethraliss kills (Heroic Temple of Sethraliss): 1 Mogul Razdunk kills (Normal The MOTHERLODE!!): 1 Gorak Tul kills (Normal Waycrest Manor): 1
Player vs. Player
Total deaths from other players: 20 Total deaths from opposite faction: 16
Battlegrounds played: 2 Battle for Gilneas battles: 1 Isle of Conquest battles: 1
Pet Battles
Pet Battles won at max level: 301 PvP Pet Battles won at max level: 1