Congratulations to Eviangy, our 1st The War Within Green Man Challenge champion!

Congratulations to Eviangy for reaching max level and making them the 1st The War Within Green Man Challenge champion. Eviangy’s journey from 70-80 took roughly about 10 hours, with a /played of  1 day, 17 hrs. 

This is Evi’s first The War Within Challenge Champion and previous Dragonflight Challenge Champion.

Why did you choose this challenge to play? Evi said, “Ah where to start. Mostly its because I enjoy playing Green, its the perfect mix of challenge, but not being too stressful and on the edge of death all the time. Its a bit more forgiving on mistakes, (and I make a LOT of those). Then there is also the tangible reasons; Playing Greens helps to get the Loremaster Achievement for Khaz Algar. It adds tradable currency, (thanks blizz!), for the toons that can actually use it. It also gives you 5% more XP on all future toons to level as well. Well worth the time!”

What race/class/spec did you choose to go with and were there any specific reasons for that choice? “Eviangy is a Beast Master Hunter – its my most comfortable spec and my first Hunter to level in The War Within, so was good to explore the Hero Talents.,” Evi mentioned.

What path did you take to level and were there specific reasons for those choices? Evi said, “Sadly, we can’t do Delves so the Isle of Dorn campaign was out. I did all the side quests in the zone + world quests where available and was around 75 by the time this was done. I then shifted into the Ringing Deeps and cleared the campaign and most of the side quests there too. With some extra world quests and weeklies, that was enough to hit max using only half the available zones. I used these zones because I had cleared them prior on my raid toons so felt comfortable with them knowing there wasn’t any instant deaths awaiting me in quests. It also meant I knew what to expect with mobs so could plan my route a bit better.”

Did you have any close calls while leveling this character? “Nothing really close. Eviangy hit Level 70 during Season 2 of Dragonflight and hadn’t been touched much since then, so I had to be super cautious starting in The War Within zones being well over 100 ilvls below what is expected. I ended up going back to the Dragon Isles to finish some World Quests for the 450+ gear, tame a Spirit Beast for the passive & extra heals, and then world quests in Khaz Algar as well before really kicking into questing. It was always a bit nervy until I got up to speed with ilvl, (around Level 73), and just required a bit of patience in comparison to levelling DF raid geared toons which just smash through everything.”

Do you have any advice you would give to someone else thinking of trying out Green Man challenge? Evi said, “Be wary of the jump between DF and TWW gear, especially if you levelled early in Dragonflight and didn’t keep up to date on your green gear. The raw stat increase from 325 to 467 is unbelievable. Oh and in the Ringing Deeps – the quests from Granny Scribbles scare me as you are always dropped to very low health exiting the story, so I avoided them. I don’t think you can die, but better on the safe side!”

Are you working on any other challengers or do you plan on taking a break for a while? “More in the works! I’m hoping to get the last of my all Elf race & all Hunter specs to max and then back to chipping away at the other low level classes in between raiding.”

Congratulations once again to Evi on Eviangy on becoming our 1st The War Within Green Man champion, and best of luck with your future challenge adventures.

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