Congratulations to Evitrifecta, our 3rd The War Within Green Man Challenge champion!

Congratulations to Evitrifecta for reaching max level and making them the 3rd The War Within Green Man Challenge champion. Evitrifecta’s journey from 70-80 took roughly about eight and half hours, with a /played of  1 day, 9 hrs. 

This is Evi’s third The War Within Challenge Champion.

Why did you choose this challenge to play? Evi said, “The other two Hunter specs were complete in Green Man. As much as I hate MM Hunter, it would be a shame to not finish all of them off right?”

What race/class/spec did you choose to go with and were there any specific reasons for that choice? “Ok look, its MM. I hate MM. With a passion. Sacrificing damage just to have a pet? Check. Standing still on a class that is obligated to run laps around the cloth casters while out dpsing them? Check. And then having it do more damage than either of the other two specs who I actually have an idea about? Yep, also check. So much damage the poor pet can barely keep aggro (/sarcasm). It had to be done though, with only 2 of 3, the completionist in me would have died.”

What path did you take to level and were there specific reasons for those choices? Evi said, “I actually did a bit of research for this one, taking a regular toon into Azj-Kahet and clearing the side quests and campaign to make sure nothing was going to off me randomly and get an idea of what to watch for. Then, against all logic, I ended up doing almost all of the Isle of Dorn and only spent like 2-3 levels in Azj-Kahet before finishing the run off in Ringing Deep again.”

If this was not the first challenger of yours in this specific challenge to reach max level, did your leveling path differ from previous champions and if so why? “Well, it SHOULD have been different but really wasn’t that much in the end. Levels just fly by and you loose track of where you are at, so most of it was done in the comfy zones so I could watch videos/streams/audiobooks and keep myself distracted from the fact I was playing MM,” Evi mentioned.

Did you have any close calls while leveling this character? “Oh yes, doing the “To Arathi’s End” quest chain and ending up fighting loads of elite mobs, (with NPC assistance sure), but it was way more risk than I should have been taking. I got through it all fine, but be very careful in that quest chain, it can be brutal and go wrong very fast.”

Do you have any advice you would give to someone else thinking of trying out Green Man challenge? Evi said, “Don’t play MM. Sure, its the Hunter spec right now, but somewhere, an angel is crying. In a bit more of a serious note, take it easy and enjoy! Patience will get you a lot further than bull rushing into things to be prepared to take some more time in order to minimise risk.”

Congratulations once again to Evi on Evitrifecta becoming our 3rd The War Within Green Man champion, and best of luck with your future challenge adventures.

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