Congratulations to Ferrenyys for reaching max level, making her the 14th Dragonflight Pacifist Challenge champion. Ferrenyys is Ferre’s fifth max level Pacifist Challenge champion, with her journey being 1011 days, 19 hrs, 23 min, 23 sec, and a /played of 4 days,
22 hrs, 46 min, 50 secs. Ferre has also had four Working Man max level challenge champions during the Dragonflight expansion.
Ferre says, “Ferrenyys was created early in the Shadowlands expansion. She was created as a replacement Druid for one who got yellow-flagged during the first week of the expansion. At that time, there was no option to skip The Maw, so Pacifists had no way to get to the Shadowlands.”
What path did Ferre take to level Ferrenyys, and were there specific reasons for those choices? “As she made her way to max level in SL, she did a LOT of Archeology! She continued doing Archeology from 60-70, along with holiday quests, DMF profession quests & turn-ins, and cooking/fishing dailies. She did not go to SL even though it was an option, and did not go to the Dragon Isles.”
Did Ferre have any close calls while leveling Ferrenyys? “Not really. Her biggest concern was to avoid proximity kills and critter kills while at digsites.”
Do you have any advice you would give to someone else thinking of trying out the Pacifist challenge? “I love this challenge. There are so many different options to choose from in terms of where and how to level. I did consider going to SL with Threads of Fate, but realized that the extra bonus experience for selected WQ’s didn’t actually offer that many Paci-safe options, and decided to skip it. With Archeology, the main concern is to choose places and times when no other players are in the area, and watch out for those wee critters!”
Is Ferre working on any other challengers, or does she plan on taking a break for a while? “Ongoing Pacifists, Working Mans, as well as Green Man and Iron Man challengers.”