Congratulations to Lireana, our 10th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion!

Congratulations to Lireana on becoming our 10th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion! Lireana’s Iron Man journey took 463 days, 3 hrs, 23 min, 2 sec with a /played at 3 days 18 hours.
This is Lireana’s first max level challenge toon this expansion, and were a Shadowlands Iron Man Champion.

Why did you choose this challenge to play? Lireana says “I really love Iron Man Challenge. For me it’s a meditative activity, except for the moments when something goes wrong.”
What was your levelling path like for Level 60-70? “My path for this toon was: The Waking Shores 60-64 Level and then The Azure Span till 70th Level, (just because I don’t like Thaldraszus and Ohn’ahran Plains). I don’t think that in Dragonflight there is a big difference in the choice of zones. It is much more important to know or be able to anticipate dangerous quests and locations.”

Did you have any close calls while leveling Lireana? “I didn’t have big problems in this run just because I didn’t risk. I skipped many quests that seemed dangerous and just moved on. There are more than enough quests in Dragonflight. But week or two ago I lost my another 64 Level toon in battle with Elite Dragon in Waking Shores. Everything was going well, I relaxed and didn’t notice staking debuff before it’s too late. Other dragons did not use such a debuff. It’s stupid but sometimes it happens.”

Do you have any advice you would give to someone else thinking of trying out the Ironman Challenge? Lireana says, ” If you could not track constantly your debuffs, place them huge in the center of the screen. And didn’t try to kill elites or powerful minibosses even if it looks pretty simple.”

Are you working on any other challengers, or do you plan on taking a break for a while? “In the near future I’m going to level another Druid and try Paladin or something else. Maybe I’ll finally try other challenges.”

Congratulations on Lireana becoming our 10th Dragonflight Iron Man Champion, and best of luck with your other Challenger adventures!

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