Congratulations to Paciflore, our 25th Dragonflight Pacifist Challenge champion!

Congratulations to Paciflore for reaching max level and making them the 25th Dragonflight Pacifist Challenge champion. This is Zazagrr’s first Max Level Challenge Champion, Paciflore’s journey was 110 days, 9 hrs, 1 min, 13 sec, with a /played of 20 hrs.

Zazagrr said, “I made several characters before reaching the end of the challenge with Paciflore.” 

What path did you take to level, and were there specific reasons for those choices? Zazagrr said, “The most difficult part of this challenge is managing to survive until flight. The first ten levels are really critical. The mount with driver is an undeniable help for this. Likewise, the Sky Golem mount when you are not a Druid, essential! I really used all events without killing, the pre-patch of The War Within was completely amazing for finish my leveling.”

“My first Pacifist character died of drowning in a Thousand Needles, a Rogue. So then I made a Druid, lots of perks for the Druid, instant Flight Form, Camouflage. Died stupidly,” mentioned Zazagrr.

Do you have any advice you would give to someone else thinking of trying out Pacifist Challenge? Zazagrr said, “If I had any advice to give: stay focused, no unnecessary risks after Level 10, use all quests and events giving experience!!!”

Are you working on any other challengers or do you plan on taking a break for a while? “I hope I can build another character in Iron Man or Green challenge.”

Congratulations once again to Zazagrr on Paciflore becoming our 25th Dragonflight Pacifist champion, and best of luck with your future challenge adventures.

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  4. You must not have already broken the rules

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