Congratulations to Pringlepants, our 52nd Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion!

Congratulations to Pringlepants for reaching max level and making them the 52nd Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion. Pringlepants’ journey was 192 days, 2 hrs, 5 min, 34 secs, with a /played of  1 day, 16 hrs, 21 mins. 

Here is Pringlepants’ journey in their words:
“I wanted to provide some detail regarding my first ever completed Iron Man character. For starters, I wanted to try and do something different from the first attempt I’d made (Hunter), thus leading me to choose the class of Paladin due to its sturdy defensives and solid damage abilities. Though the initial phases of leveling were rather smooth and required little to no micromanagement in terms of talents and specs, that soon changed with the increase in level-scaling after reaching roughly Level 40. Having spent most of my time in the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, moving on to expansion-grade zones was an intimidating notion. Nonetheless, I completed the last few stages of leveling thanks to the likes of Legion zones, Dragonflight zones, and a small bit of Pandaria, moving at a significantly more cautious pace but one that held progress nonetheless.”

Did you have any close calls while leveling this character? Pringlepants said, “Most certainly, perhaps the most tense occurred when dealing with the primal proto drakes in Dragonflight, or a good number of the types of mobs found in the Howling Fjord, such mobs had some intensely high damage even for a plate-wearing class and I very quickly started to understand the benefits of Paly Bubbles!”

Do you have any advice you would give to someone else thinking of trying out Iron Man challenge?  “Understand that it’s not so much fighting the mobs that’ll prove challenging, but rather the manner in how you plan out your leveling path and having the game knowledge to know when to go for a quest’s completion, and when it simply isn’t worth the risk. One of the funniest moments I had early on was in Westfall, where, (after reading the uncertain nature of quest-bound flasks and whether or not they’d flag your character), I quickly realized that I’d be better off not trying to complete the zones questing, as I didn’t want to take that risk!” mentioned Pringlepants.

Congratulations once again to Pringlepants on becoming our 52nd Dragonflight Iron Man champion, and best of luck with your future challenge adventures.

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