Congratulations to Showei, our 1st The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion!

Congratulations to Showei for reaching max level and making them the 1st The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion. Showei’s journey from 70-80 took roughly about 9 hours, with a /played of  1 day, 16 hrs. 

Why did you choose this challenge to play? Showei said, “The other challenges don’t interest me much, but I first tried the regular Iron Man challenge back in WoD and came back to it in DF. In TWW I just chose to level my Iron Man char shortly after finishing my “real” characters for the expansion, mostly just for the novelty of finishing early and possibly being first.”

What race/class/spec did you choose to go with and were there any specific reasons for that choice? “Pandaren Protection Warrior, because it’s my favourite Race and Class, and Protection seems to be by far the easiest Spec to level as,” Showei mentioned.

What path did you take to level and were there specific reasons for those choices? Showei said, “I mostly just picked whatever World Quests and quest lines were available in each zone, but tried to move on to the next zone after 2-3 levels each time, (starting at Isle of Dorn) for some variety.”

Did you have any close calls while leveling this character? “No close calls per se, but there were some mobs that were particularly scary. There’s a quest in Hallowfall where you kill enchanted crabs which have a stackable bleed that can tick surprisingly high. I pulled a few too many and had to kite them until the bleed wore off. Other than that some bat mobs that appear in Hallowfall,(and some other zones?), cast an interruptible poison that can tick pretty high. Lastly there’s a Pokemon-themed quest in Ringing Deeps where one of the quest mobs cast an uninterruptible dot that ticked for a total of ~50% of my hp. The quest should be called “Beat the Best” and the wasp mob is the spooky one.”

Do you have any advice you would give to someone else thinking of trying out Working Man challenge? Showei said, “If you just want to complete the challenge, play a tanking spec, (Prot Warr is a very solid choice), otherwise choose a different Spec if you want more of a challenge.”

Are you working on any other challengers or do you plan on taking a break for a while? “I probably won’t touch any of the challenges again until next expansion. I might level a new Warrior later on when the next expansion draws closer to have a properly “clean” character as there was an issue which caused my current character to get flagged until admins looked into it.”

Congratulations once again to Showei on becoming our 1st The War Within Iron Man champion, and best of luck with your future challenge adventures.

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