Congratulations to Snowei, our 8th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion!

Congratulations to Snowei on becoming our 8th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion! Snowei’s Iron Man journey took 12 days, 15 hrs, 28 min, 47 sec. 
Is Snowei your first max level challenger? “It’s my first max level challenger in any expansion. I last tried it in WoD on a Warrior, and got as far as Level 70 before dying to my own complacency.”

Why did you choose this challenge to play? “It’s just the most appealing to me.”
What race/class/spec did you choose to go with, and were there any specific reasons for that choice? Snowei says, “I played a Pandaren Protection Warrior. Warrior because it’s my favourite class. I played Prot simply because I expected it to be the easiest spec to level as by far.”
What path did you take to level, and were there specific reasons for those choices? “For 1-60 I levelled in different Eastern Kingdoms zones, roughly in order: Redridge Mountains, Duskwood, Loch Modan, Wetlands, Arathi Highlands, Stranglethorn Vale, and Cape of Stranglethorn. I also did a select few quests in Elwynn Forest and Azuremyst Isles at level 58-59 in order to try to leverage some white quest rewards (wasn’t worth it). I didn’t put too much thought into the zones and just went wherever was nearby. For 60-70 I simply quested in Dragonflight zones and ended up doing most of the levelling story quests in Azure Span, Ohn’arahn plains and Thaldraszus, as well as multiple side areas, world quests and rares in all four zones.”
Was there any close calls on Showei while leveling? “Not that I can remember. Some mobs in late DF levelling surprised me with the amount of damage they could deal, but at that level Prot has so many defensive tools I was never really in danger, and in a pinch you can always just leap away and reset mobs or heal up with Second Wind (massively underrated talent by the way).”

Do you have any advice you would give to someone else thinking of trying out the Ironman Challenge? Snowei says, “Try it on a Prot Warr if you want to have an easy time getting to 70. Try one of the other specs if you want more of a challenge. The DF iteration of Prot is simply too strong, you’re tanky enough that no regular mobs can kill you, and playing it as an ironman ends up feeling like playing a normal character with a fraction of the damage output.”

Are you working on any other challengers, or do you plan on taking a break for a while? “I may give the other Warrior specs a go in the future, but for now I don’t plan on doing anything again until the next expansion.”

Congratulations on Snowei becoming our 8th Dragonflight Iron Man Champion, and best of luck with your other adventures!

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