Congratulations to Soulblister on becoming our 7th Shadowlands Working Man Champion! Real world time stamp came in at 147 days, 16 hours, 52 minutes, with the /played time being 2 days, 19 hours, 51 minutes.

Soulblister is Nisey’s 1st Shadowlands Working Man Champion. Nisey also has twelve Blood Thirsty Champions, as well as two Pacifist Champions.
Nisey says “Honestly, I wanted some motivation to get out there and try to make some gold so figured eh, why not. At least this Challenge can kill stuff. If she gets a prox kill it won’t matter. Also if I stumbled and she got disqualified well then at least I’d have some gold to show for my attempt.”
Nisey chose a Gnome Priest for Soulblister’s journey and she did not pick a spec. Nisey says “It’s a class/race combo I’m familiar with, plus I prefer the more compact, smaller races. I have an easier time navigating the world with them.”
What path did Nisey take to level Soulblister? Nisey says “I started out doing a few quests in the Gnome starting area. When I got to level 5, I picked up mining and herbing. Next, I ventured off to Loch Modan and spent time doing laps killing rares and gathering flowers and ore. This was my 1st real try at doing Working Man and I remembered those leveling Irons saying things would start to get a little tricky to kill come level 30 so I was trying to keep a close eye on my level. I ended up staying in the Loch till level 15 killing rares and gathering. At that point, I was getting a little nervous about killing stuff. I was still wearing my starting gear plus the cape I had picked up from a quest. So I decided to head over to Western Plaguelands and just did laps around the lake picking flowers and mining ore. At level 30 I went to SW and turned Chromie time on, picked up flying, and went back to Western Plaguelands. In the end, I stayed there until level 50. At 50, I took her into Shadowlands and took the World Quest option for Threads of Fate and ended up just staying in Bastion picking flowers and mining ore until I reached 60.
Where there any close calls while leveling Soulblister? Nisey says “None that I can recall.”
Nisey’s advice for playing a Working Man “Find a path that will work for you, scout out things you are unsure of, ask questions if you are stumped, and have fun.”
What are Nisey’s plans for the rest of Shadowlands Expansion? “I am officially on a challenge play vacation, aside from helping out with beta testing for Dragonflight. Life is rather chaotic for me at the moment so it’s a good time for a break. I’ll still be lurking in the shadows though doing things behind the scenes” says Nisey.
Congratulations again Nisey on becoming our 7th Shadowlands Working Man Champion with Soulblister. Enjoy your break and we look forward to seeing you in Dragonflight.