Congratulations to Soulsurvivor on becoming our 12th Shadowlands Blood Thirsty Champion! Real world time stamp came in at 986 days, 21 hours, 51 minutes, with the /played time being 8 days, 15 hours, 8 minutes.
Soulsurvivor is Nisey’s 9th Shadowlands Blood Thirsty Champion as well as her 11th over all for this expansion. Her other two Challengers to reach max level are Pacifists.

Nisey says “the Blood Thirsty Challenge is more my speed. Questing actually tends to stress me out a lot since I don’t know the quests that well and this way I can pick what mob might do me in instead of a quest saying what I need to kill.”
Nisey chose a Tauren Druid for Soulsurvivor’s journey and went with Guardian (Bear) spec. Her previous Druid had died and was Alliance so she decided to change it up upon a death and picked the opposite faction. Her choices for Druid were either Troll or Tauren so she went Tauren. “I’m not a big fan of the Troll Druid forms. Let’s face it I’m an Alliance girl at heart and Gnomes have stolen it” she said.
What path did Nisey take to level Soulsurvivor? Nisey says “Well, when Shadowlands came in and level squish happened I did have to figure out a new path then for everyone. After some trial and error, all my Horde characters now grind from about level 10/11 to level 50 in Zuldazar at The Tusk Pools just down the road from Scaletrader Post. Most of the mobs there are yellow, you only really need to worry about the hostile named River Beast who is a quest mob (he can charge while in combat so keep an eye out if someone is fighting him) and the elite t-rex that walks around near the lower pool.”
Where there any close calls while leveling Soulsurvivor? Nisey says “Not really. Did pull two mobs a couple of times by accident but made it through just fine.”
Nisey’s advice for playing a Blood Thirsty “Scout out areas and mobs you are unsure of, even neutral (yellow) ones. Don’t get tunnel vision so hard that you are not paying attention to what other players are doing near you. Some players can pull a mob they know they can’t kill and drag it to you trying to get you to help. This could end very badly for your Challenger. If you are stuck on where to go next or what mobs to kill don’t be afraid to ask the others in the community. There are lots of helpful people on our forums and in our Discord.”
Nisey still has three Blood Thirsty’s to level for this expansion – Shaman, Warrior and Demon Hunter, as well as a Working Man Challenger in progress. Nisey says “After I get those wrapped up I do plan on taking a short break.”
Congratulations again Nisey on becoming our 12th Shadowlands Blood Thirsty Champion with Soulsurvivor and best of luck on your Shadowlands Challenge leveling.