Congratulations to Tidalsoul on becoming our 14th Shadowlands Blood Thirsty Champion! Real world time stamp came in at 1866 days, 18 hours, 49 minutes, with the /played time being 9 days, 2 hours, 16 minutes.
Tidalsoul is Nisey’s 11th Shadowlands Blood Thirsty Champion as well as her 13th over all for this expansion. Her other two Challengers to reach max level are Pacifists.

Nisey says “I prefer the Blood Thirsty Challenge because I can pick what mob might kill me instead of a quest saying go kill “x”. This way I can just put on something to listen to, pick a grind spot and just go.”
Nisey chose a Dwarf Shaman for Tidalsoul’s journey and went with Resto spec. Nisey says “I started changing things up when a character died and would swap to the opposite faction just to break things up. It would give me a different grinding path to think about for a while. Most classes if they have a healing spec I tend to lean towards that because who can turn down more heals. The only classes I didn’t do that with were Paladin and Druid. I didn’t like how Holy played at all that spec wasn’t for me. With the Druid, I went Guardian because it was a bit more sturdy.”
What path did Nisey take to level Tidalsoul? Nisey says “This character has been around since Legion and managed to survive the great Shadowlands leveling squish. I don’t fully remember her path before Shadowlands. After Shadowlands came to be I believe she was pushed back to her early 20’s after the squish, so I ended up taking her to Tiragarde Sound in BfA. That’s where she stayed until level 50, just running laps around the road between Hatherford and Fox Hollow Woods. At 50 I used The Maw skip and headed into Bastion. I didn’t want to spend the gold on the Shadowlands scouting map so that’s where I stayed from 50 to 60 moving around a bit as needed.”
Where there any close calls while leveling Tidalsoul? Nisey says “I probably had one or two but nothing I can remember since Shadowlands started.”
Nisey’s advice for playing a Blood Thirsty “Learned a lot over the years. Go with a class/spec you know if it’s your first time. Take your time, no point in rushing to your death. Large nameplates can help out a lot. Scout out areas/mobs you are not familiar with before taking your live challenger into those areas or up against those mobs. Lastly, don’t forget to ask your fellow challengers. Their path may not work for you but might give you an idea of what will.”
Nisey has one more Blood Thirsty to level for this expansion – a Warrior named Trollursoul. She also has a Working Man Challenger sitting at Level 55.
Congratulations again Nisey on becoming our 14th Shadowlands Blood Thirsty Champion with Tidalsoul and best of luck on your Shadowlands Challenge leveling.