Congratulations to Xayasia, our 20th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion!

Congratulations to Xayasia for reaching max level and making her the 20th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion. This is Xaya’s sixth Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion. He also has two Pacifists, one Working Man and one Green Man.  Xayasia’s journey was 19 days, 16 hrs, 51 min, 8 sec, with a /played of 1 day, 1 hours and 38 minutes.   

Xaya said, “I want to have an Iron Man Champion on every class. So it was time for the Druid. I went Guardian this time (previous was Balance) and found the Guardian has more survivability. I used the same leveling path than usual (out of Teldrassil, get Revered with SW for reduces flying price, gone thru the max, did most of Hero’s Board quests) but with the XP buff that path didn’t give enough gold to get fast flight until around Level 55. Also did Pandaria and Argent Tournament dailies as soon as I got flight. I waited to get around 65 before doing the Midsummer Fires. As a Druid you don’t lose flight form when desecrating the other factions fire so did them all.”

Did Xaya have any close calls while leveling this character? Xaya mentioned, “I don’t remember any specific but I had to use Shadowmeld a few times after aggroing more mobs than expected.”

Are you working on any other challengers or do you plan on taking a break for a while? Xaya said, “I currently have another Iron Man (Paladin) and a Blood Thirsty. And I still have to get a Mage, Priest and Monk to max level.”

Congratulations once again to Xaya on Xayasia becoming our 20th Dragonflight Iron Man champion, and best of luck with your future challenge adventures.

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