Things are heating up in Azeroth with summer’s arrival. What better way to celebrate than with the Midsummer Fire Festival. This year the event runs from June 21st through July 5th. For a complete overview of the event and for lists of bonfire locations feel free to check out WoWHead’s guide: Midsummer Fire Festival
The following information is for the Iron Man Challenge. For information on the other challenge variants please see below.
New for 2019
Bonfires have been added to Zandalar and Kul Tiras. A new toy has been added this year as well, Fire Eater’s Hearthstone.
Festival Bonfires
Bonfires have sprung up across all of Azeroth. You are allowed to complete the Honor the Flame quests as well as the Desecrate this Fire quests. Completing these quests will award Burning Blossoms. These can be used as currency to obtain items from the event’s vendors. You can also use the Burning Blossoms to reignite bonfires that have been extinguished. Should you use the Burning Blossoms to reignite a bonfire or be standing next to a bonfire when someone reignites it you will receive the Fire Festival Fury buff. This buff is NOT ALLOWED. It can be removed so make sure you right-click it off.
If you are one of those challengers that like to dance with danger and
want to attempt the Desecrate this Fire quests please be advised this will PvP flag you. For challengers that have flying available, Ster has a helpful tip: “Get close to a bonfire. Click on it to bring up the quest box. Mount up on a flying mount and rise up in the air a few feet. Click Okay to complete the quest. It will not dismount you but you will become PvP flagged. Hit your spacebar (or whichever key you use to gain height on your flying mount) almost instantly after clicking Okay to raise you up into the air, reducing the chances of being attacked. If you don’t have flying it’s much riskier.”
Quests and Daily Quests
You may complete all of the quests and daily quests for this event except for the Summon Ahune and the Shards of Ahune quests. These quests require you to use dungeon finder to group up with other people to access this event boss. Grouping up is Not Allowed for solo challengers.
The Ribbon Pole
At the bonfire locations scattered across Azeroth, you will find ribbon poles. Clicking on these poles and moving to spin in a circle will create colorful ribbons connecting you to the pole. Doing this will give you the Ribbon Dance buff. This buff gives a 10% gain to experience and is NOT ALLOWED.
Bonfire’s Blessing
Bonfire’s Blessing is a zone-wide buff that gives your faction’s players a 30% chance to inflict 10 Fire damage on any melee, ranged, or spell attack, increasing by 10 Fire damage per level. Normally this buff would not be allowed, however since it’s a zone-wide buff that can not be removed we have no choice but to allow it. This is NOT a green light to go around intentionally reigniting bonfires, should you get the buff due to someone else in the zone relighting a fire that’s fine.
Cosmetic Items, Pets, and Toys, Oh My!
You are allowed to obtain all the items from the event’s vendor but that does not mean you can put on the cosmetic gear. You will still need to follow the gear rules. Adding the toys to your toy box and the pets to your journal are allowed as well.
Working Man:
- All of the event’s quests & daily quests are allowed except for the Summon Ahune and Shards of Ahune quests. These involve grouping up and killing the event boss in a dungeon.
- The Fire Festival Fury buff is NOT ALLOWED. Right-click it off.
- The Ribbon Dance buff is NOT ALLOWED.
- The Bonfire’s Blessing buff is allowed since it is zone-wide and cannot be removed.
- You are allowed to obtain the items from the event’s vendor but you must still follow your gear rules.
Tin Man:
- All of the event’s quests & daily quests are allowed except for the Summon Ahune and Shards of Ahune quests. These involve grouping up and killing the event boss in a dungeon.
- The Fire Festival Fury buff is allowed.
- The Ribbon Dance buff is NOT ALLOWED.
- The Bonfire’s Blessing buff is allowed.
- You are allowed to obtain the items from the event’s vendor but you must still follow your gear rules.
- Buff food from the event’s vendor is allowed.
Green Man:
- All of the event’s quests & daily quests are allowed except for the Summon Ahune and Shards of Ahune quests. These involve grouping up and killing the event boss in a dungeon.
- The Fire Festival Fury buff is NOT ALLOWED. Right-click it off.
- The Ribbon Dance buff is NOT ALLOWED.
- The Bonfire’s Blessing buff is allowed since it is zone-wide and cannot be removed.
- You are allowed to obtain the items from the event’s vendor but you must still follow your gear rules.
Blood Thirsty:
- You are NOT ALLOWED to complete the Midsummer Fire Festival quests. This event is not for you.
- All of the event’s quests & daily quests are allowed except for the Summon Ahune and Shards of Ahune quests. These involve grouping up and killing the event boss in a dungeon.
- The Fire Festival Fury buff is NOT ALLOWED. Right-click it off.
- The Ribbon Dance buff is NOT ALLOWED.
- The Bonfire’s Blessing buff is zone-wide and cannot be removed. This buff when active will give you a 30% chance to inflict Fire damage on any melee, ranged, or spell attack. You will be credited with a kill if the buff kills a mob that is attacking you. Tread carefully!
- You are allowed to obtain the items from the event’s vendor but you must still follow your gear rules.
Iron Teams:
- All of the event’s quests & daily quests are allowed. You may do the Summon Ahune and Shards of Ahune quests if you have a full five-man team to fill the queue slots since you need to use dungeon finder to access the boss. If you do not have a full five-man team you cannot use the dungeon finder tool to fill out your group.
- The Fire Festival Fury buff is NOT ALLOWED. Right-click it off.
- The Ribbon Dance buff is NOT ALLOWED.
- The Bonfire’s Blessing buff is allowed since it is zone-wide and cannot be removed.
- You are allowed to obtain the items from the event’s vendor but you must still follow your gear rules.
Blood Thirsty Teams:
- You are NOT ALLOWED to complete any of the Midsummer Fire Festival quests. This event is not for you.
Green Teams:
- All of the event’s quests & daily quests are allowed. You may do the Summon Ahune and Shards of Ahune quests if you have a full five-man team to fill the queue slots since you need to use dungeon finder to access the boss. If you do not have a full five-man team you cannot use the dungeon finder tool to fill out your group.
- The Fire Festival Fury buff is NOT ALLOWED. Right-click it off.
- The Ribbon Dance buff is NOT ALLOWED.
- The Bonfire’s Blessing buff is allowed since it is zone-wide and cannot be removed.
- You are allowed to obtain the items from the event’s vendor but you must still follow your gear rules.
Images used with permission from WoWHead.