Patreon Bows to Pressure

Hi everyone,

For most folks reading this, you probably won’t care or worry about what we’re going to write about. Sorry about that, eh (I’m Canadian), I’ll try and make this short and sweet. For folks that currently support us financially (or want to) you might find this interesting (or not, I dunno… I’m not a pro writer).

Patreon has told us they are not rolling out the new fee changes. This is good. It doesn’t mean there won’t be changes forthcoming, though, as they have challenges to overcome.

For us, it means I won’t discontinuing our Patreon service; not right away, anyway. I set my own deadline of Dec.17 (day before the changes were going to roll out), if they did not change, then we’d pull the plug on Patreon.

So, Patreon absolutely does not make or break WoW Challenges, however, it most certainly helped and was far more trusted. It was a convenient way to incorporate some cool hooks into discord and had only a minimal amount of maintenance. We lost ~50% of our Patreon support (I am completely good with sending Patreon a message – I did it too) and some of you were gracious enough to find alternative means to continue to support us financially. Thank you so much!

We will be holding out final podcast of the year this Saturday. After that I’ll be looking at “financial support” as a whole and seeing where Patreon fits into that. The trust has most certainly been broken, however, overall, I feel like our current setup without Patreon will require a lot of maintenance. I’ll be looking to see if we can keep Patreon as a “lesser used” platform for folks that want to support that way (again, we’ll see what changes they decide to actually roll out with) and see if I can figure out an “easy to use” maintenance system to keep up with all of your help and ensure you get recognition (if you want it).

I know some folks don’t care about recognition, but it’s important to me that if we’re going to accept financial support we provide SOME KIND of recognition; over the next 2-3 weeks I’ll have more news on what changes (if any) are made.

I really appreciate all the support you’ve shown to the WoW Challenges community, whether it has been through dollars, retweeting, chatting with us during our shows or streams or just generally being a good person in Discord. It really means a lot.

Thank you!


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