WoW Challenges Podcast Tag

Our newest Pacifist Champion, Ferre, joins Stone and Leeta to share her four-year journey, finally reaching Level 110 as a Pacifist challenger. We talk about Patch 7.3.5, Darkmoon Faire and progress on the Iron Team challenge.  They chat about their week with their challenge characters, run down this week's State of the Challengers and respond to community questions. World of Warcraft News Patch 7.3.5 on PTR Darkmoon Faire Iron Team Challenge Contact Info You can contact the show by email – We’re on Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: Check...

This will be a short episode this week as it was not really recorded live. Stone talks about Pilgrim's Bounty, the WoW 13th Anniversary event, the new Iron Teams challenge progress and we have Mrs.Stone and Bozo#2 to read the State of the Challengers. The recording can be found through patreon: the video will be up in the Patrons video list in a week or you can just go look at the VoD on Twitch. World of Warcraft News Pilgrim's Bounty ...

This week Aprillian joins Stone and Leeta to share her recent adventures in World of Warcraft. We talk about Pilgrim's Bounty and the WoW 13th Anniversary event. The new Iron Teams challenge rules are also discussed. They also chat about their week with their challenge characters and as always run down the State of the Challengers and respond to community questions. World of Warcraft News Pilgrim's Bounty WoW 13th Anniversary Iron Team Challenge Contact Info You can contact the show by email – We’re...

This week Broximar joins Stone and Leeta to share his Challenge adventures. We also hear about their week with their challenge characters. And as always we run down the State of the Challengers and respond to community questions....

This week Leeta is joined by Nisey and Ster for the WoW Challenges Podcast! We catch up with Stone LIVE at BlizzCon as well as chat about new things coming and talk about how our week in WoW went. As always we check out the State of the Challengers and respond to community questions....

This week Xaya, an Iron Veteran, returns for the WoW Challenges Podcast!  He talks about his leveling and losing his Iron Warrior. We also hear from Stone & Leeta about their weeks with their challenge characters. As always we run down the State of the Challengers and respond to community questions. World of Warcraft News Minority Report Contest Wrap Up DK/DH Fix for Tins BlizzCon Incoming! Con Before the Storm Affiliate Meet & Greet: Thursday November 2nd at 10pm PDT Warcraft...

This week we are joined by Haggerty for the WoW Challenges Podcast! He tells us about his adventures with the Iron challenge so far. We also hear from Stone & Leeta about their weeks with their challenge characters. World of Warcraft News Con Before the Storm Affiliate Meet & Greet: Thursday November 2nd at 10pm PDT Warcraft Panel: Thursday November 2 at 11pm PDT / 2am EDT (Friday morning). Hallow's End - Ongoing, ends on November 1. Minority Report Contest Update Contact...

We announce the Minority Report leveling contest details (ITS ON NOW!!!), Con Before the Storm, Stone's appearance on the Warcraft Panel at the World of Podcasts event, Hallow's End, Running of the Gnomes, addition of Guilds, Guides and Tips n' Tricks to the site, the State of the Challengers and Stone & Leeta's weeks in the WoW Challenges....

Rogueslayer joins us to answer community questions and tell us all about her Challengers' adventures.. We talk about the Minority Report leveling contest starting next week, Con Before the Storm, Stone's appearance on the Warcraft Panel at the World of Podcasts event, the CBtS free art raffle, Stone's beard dyeing update and the State of the Challengers....

Nisey has returned to tell us about her Blood Thirsty adventures. We cover the news in WoW (Harvest Festival and Brewfest), our site (Blood Thirsty Quest Tracking Changes, Minority Report contest starting on Oct.14) and the CBtS Free Art Raffle. Of course we always give you the Top-10 State of the Challengers report....

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