Thank You!

connectcastAs some of you may know I used to stream on Twitch a while ago… most recently maybe 6-7 months ago with no problems. Now suddenly Twitch gives me headaches… I can no longer stream and watch my own stream and folks watching my hi-def stream also report it being choppy. Having gone through ALL the motions… all the different fixes, changes, dns tweaks, firewall rules, EVERYTHING… There is an argument whether this issue is due to my ISP throttling or Twitch’s servers having problems… but essentially I’ve come to the conclusion that Twitch is the problem for me as I’ve eliminated my ISP as being an issue. Twitch is no longer for me.

I moved on to ConnectCast and found the quality AMAZING! No problems to set up a stream. No problems viewing my own stream in high resolution… zero trouble.

ConnectCast has graciously approved my partner request so we can now embed our streams on the main site. I typically stream either my own Iron Man attempts or raiding with our guild. Thank you so much to ConnectCast for the approval! I’m looking forward to a long and rewarding partnership! 🙂

You can check out our stream on ConnectCast at  You can either view our streams there or come to the site… I’ll have it appear on the main page when we are streaming Iron Man material.

I should be continuing on with my Iron Man stream fairly soon…  I’ve just had some real life things come up (like my son’s birthday!).

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