Blood Thirsty Quest Tracking Changes – Sep.2017

We’ve been talking about making these changes since the end of the last contest, well… the time is finally here. Blood Thirsty challengers that currently exist on the site will still be held to the old rule, however, new challengers will be held to the new rule. The change will officially take effect on Sept.28 2017 at 3am Eastern.

Blood Thirsty challengers are now allowed to only complete 4 quests and still remain green-flagged. Completing 5 to 9 quests will result in a yellow flag. Completing 10 or more quests will result in a red-flag.

Death Knights, Demon Hunters, Goblins, Pandaren, and Worgen are all allowed to complete their introductory / starter zone quests.  Additionally, we are allowing a handful of quests to allow you access to the Mists of Pandaria and Legion expansion zones. We’ve put up a page that tells you the ending quest of each chain.

To check if you’ve completed any quests on your challenger there will be gold exclamation mark near your character name (much like the WoW quest indicator). In this page you’ll see a brief summary of the quests you’ve completed along with a list of the quests completed that will count against you. There is not much we can do to remove a quest that has been completed, but if you see a completed quest that you think should count be allowed, please let us know.

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In order to add your character you must meet these criteria:

  1. Your character must be Level 10 or higher.
  2. You enable your 'Display Only Character Achievements to Others'.
  3. Log Out of your character. THEN Exit WoW.
  4. You must not have already broken the rules

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