A big congratulations to Issa, who after almost a year (297 days), got her Gnome Hunter ironman to max level! Born April 1, 2017 (no joke!), this toon has seen many changes, including the Legion Invasions, specs, and recently the 7.3.5 patch which has ramped up the challenge difficulty. TinyIssa won 2nd place in the Arrow to the Knee contest back in April of 2017.
To get to 110, it took 12 days and 10 hours of played time. Asked her what were some of the scary moments? First, trying to tag the elite during the Legion Invasions for some great but risky points. And then recently, post-patch, Issa kept away from flight points out of fear of a disconnect. Lastly she mentions that the 100-110 grind was rough, and did it without doing any Legion content. That’s a good strategy, when the next expansion comes out, perhaps TinyIssa can take on parts of Legion for the next phase of the challenge.
You can find Issa in Discord or hanging with the WoWIronman guild on Wyrmrest Accord.