Author: Leeta

Congratulations to Ferreday for reaching max level, making her the 21st Dragonflight Pacifist Challenge champion. This is Ferre's twentieth Dragonflight Challenge Champion. She also has eight other Pacifist challengers, five Working Man challengers, three Iron Man challengers and three Green Man challenger - all max level Dragonflight Champions. Ferreday's journey was 1407 days, 20 hrs, 21 min, 26 sec with a /played of 9 days, 1 hour and 4 minutes.  Why did you choose this challenge to play? Ferre said, "I wanted...

This week Khrys and Ferre join Leeta and they drop a Pacifist Contest in honor of Tiber - Tauren aka Taur-ahe. Pacifist Contest Title - Tauren aka Taur-ahe Date: April 27 - May 11 (start / end time: 7pm ish Eastern) Challenge: Pacifist (SOLO) see Pacifist Rules Race: Tauren Class: All classes allowed except Death Knight Specs: All specs allowed Professions - Allowed Level: Can add your character anywhere from level 10 to 20. You must have reached Level 10 AFTER the contest starts. You need to OPT IN...

Congratulations to Ironluxx for reaching max level and making them the 43rd Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion. This is Luxx's first max level Dragonflight Challenge Champion. Ironluxx's journey was 11 days, 19 hrs, 28 min, 1 sec, with a /played of 1 day, 13 hrs, 58 mins.   Here is Luxx's email about Ironluxx Iron Man journey...

This week Leeta chats about what's coming in Patch 10.2.7. News Congratulations to Stuckinbog on becoming our 42nd Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion! DMF ends April 13 Leeta will be back for next show on April 27, 2024. Contact Info You can contact the show by email – We’re on Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: Bluesky - Check out the show on And remember to come catch us LIVE at Leeta Discord: Leeta#1726 Email:      ...

Congratulations to Stuckinbog for reaching max level and making them the 42nd Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion.  Stuckinbog's  journey was 3 days, 5 hrs, 14 min, 8 sec. No information was received about Stuckinbog's Iron Man challenge journey. Congratulations once again to Stuckinbog becoming our 42nd Dragonflight Iron Man champion, and best of luck with your future challenge adventures....

Noblegarden has once again come hopping back into our hearts. This year the event will run from April 1st through April 8th. For a complete overview of this event check out WoWHead's Noblegarden guide. *Please be advised the newly added activities for Noblegarden 2024 have not been tested at the time of this article being published, and this post may need to be updated*  New for 2024A new battle pet has been added to the Noblegarden event this year, as well as...

This week Leeta chats about Patch 10.2.6 and upcoming World Events. News Congratulations to Ferresfrost on becoming our 40th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion! Congratulations to Tazura on becoming our 41st Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion! Patch 10.2.6 - Plunderstorm… well didn’t see that one! Noblegarden  - April Trading Post - DMF starts April 7 Leeta will be back for next show on April 13, 2024. Contact Info You can contact the show by email – We’re on Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: Bluesky - Check out the show on...

Congratulations to Tazura for reaching max level, making him the 41st Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion. This is Tazura's first Dragonflight Challenge Champion. Tazura's journey was 11 days, 16 min, 19 sec with a /played of 1 days, 16 hours and 56 minutes.  Why did you choose this challenge to play? Tazura said, "I’ve always found the Iron Man Challenge to be immensely interesting. I remember growing up and watching Slightly Impressive trying the challenge, and dying in crazy ways on his...

Congratulations to Ferresfrost for reaching max level, making her the 40th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion. This is Ferre's nineteenth Dragonflight Challenge Champion. She also has two other Iron Man challengers, five Working Man challengers, eight Pacifist challengers and three Green Man challenger - all max level Dragonflight Champions. Ferresfrost's journey was 206 days, 37 min, 18 sec with a /played of 3 days, 12 hours and 9 minutes.  Why did you choose this challenge to play? Ferre said, "Ferresfrost participated in...

This week Leeta chats about March events. News Congratulations to Caylasi on becoming our 20th Dragonflight Pacifist Challenge Champion! Congratulations to Bearferre on becoming our 8th Dragonflight Working Man Challenge Champion! DMF begins Sunday March 3. March Trading Post is active now - For US people in most states - Daylight Savings Time begins March 10 Hearthstone 10th Anniversary begins March 11th until March 18th Micro Holiday - Un’goro Madness starts March 17th until March 20th - Please be very careful if you are in that zone There are...

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