
Congratulations to Camachojr, our 11th Battle for Azeroth Iron Champion. This is the second time this Night Elf Hunter has reached the victor's podium, previously doing so during the Legion expansion. Camachojr's journey to 120 took approximately 738 days. This feat consisted of 4,187 completed quests, 118 flight paths taken, 78 bandages, and hearthing 105 times. Once again congratulations to Camachojr! Best of luck with your future challenge endeavors!...

A hardy grats to CaptainTrips, his toon Camachojr, a NE Hunter just dinged 110. He started the toon towards the end of November, and 50 days later maxed it with a played time of 7 days and 16 hours. When asked what the hardest part was to getting a toon to 110, CaptainTrips said “Was trying to stay alive despite Bliz trying to kill me.” As an example, he said he was DCed 3-4 times while in flight, with his toon...

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