Author: Geek Roguester

Congratulations to Shortster on reaching max level and becoming our 24th Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion! I rolled the Alliance Shaman mostly to prove that just about any Alliance toon can make it to max level in Shadowlands. But I don't recommend a Shaman, it was very difficult to level. The Shaman class has no decent crowd control, no way to escape combat other than running away, no stealth - it was rough. So had to play very conservatively relying on...

Congratulations to Elfster on reaching max level and becoming our 22nd Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion! Ster decided to run a brand-new toon this past month to see how long a level 1 Alliance rogue would take to get to 60. Turns out, 21 days! And Xaya just did the same thing. Total played time was about 4 days. Want to get an Alliance toon to 60 in Shadowlands?!?! You can do it too. Ster has created a leveling guide for you....

Congratulation to Silentherber on becoming our 10th Battle for Azeroth Pacifist Challenge champion! While this is not his first challenger, it is his first Pacifist to reach max level. His previous challengers used the "Dvor" affix but he decided that was bad luck since they all died tragically. When asked about his leveling strategy, Silent said he took a VERY slow leveling path (almost 4 and a half years), though the time spent in-game (his /played) was actually quite minimal being...

Congratulations to Soulstoned, our 4th BfA champion on the Blood Thirsty Challenge! Patience really does pay off, Soulstoned, a Dwarf Warlock using the Destruction spec was created way back in 2016. Created in early Legion, the toon has a /played of 16 days and 20 hours. Or in human real-world time: that’s 1,298 days! This is Nisey’s 3rd Max level Blood Thirsty. The other two are a Demon Hunter (Soldmysoul) and a Paladin (Soulshield). With all of her Blood Thirsty...

Congrats to our very own Social Media Manager, Nisey, whose paladin, Soulshield, just became the second Blood Thirsty to hit 120. Soulshield was her oldest living challenger, taking nearly three years to reach this point with a /played time of 16 day and 3 hours. When asked about difficult moments and close calls, she said: “Well, I think the hardest part was paying attention at times, it was super easy to zone out and end up not where I wanted to...

Congratulations to 2Shankz, who just completed two challenges with the same toon! Twothirsty is the first 120 Blood Thirsty as well as the fourth max level Iron Man for Battle for Azeroth. Incredibly, he played the toon as a white-geared Blood Thirsty while following the rules of the Iron Man Challenge at the same time. His /played is 15 days 10 hours, over the course of 3 years. When asked to tell us about the journey, he said that killing stuff...

Ferrekessa - a Night Elf Rogue (subtlety) Pacifist, just hit max level after playing 22 days. Born in April of 2018, took 315 days to reach Max Level. Her path to 120 had four main sections as seen below: Level 10 - 62 Herbalism and Mining, with some exploration: starter zones, Darkshore, Zoram Strand in Ashenvale (a long time there), and Dreamer's Rest in Feralas (for a long time). Holidays. Very minimal archaeology (safe sites only). Level 62 - 90 Added archaeology, picking lower...

Five, who was a guest on Podcast #110, recently dinged 110 on his NE Rogue Pacifist named Fivecurmudgn. He started in June of last year and it took 303 days of grinding (a little over 9 days of /played time) to hit max level. When asked about his toon, Five mentioned several things. "The 1-60 bracket is mostly dailies, herbing, and mining. The 60-110 levels are very easy post-patch, in fact, if you can make it to 60, you’re golden. After...

In the last few days, Neverdied reached max level on his Iron Warrior and Rogue. These two are now Legion Champions #32 and #33. Both were created November of 2016 (prior to Legion) and each toon took roughly 480 days to hit max level. When asked, "hey, how many /played hours”, Neverdied said that each one had just slightly over 5 days of played time. What does this mean? Neverdied now has one Iron Champion at level 110 for Hunter, Monk,...

A big congratulations to Issa, who after almost a year (297 days), got her Gnome Hunter ironman to max level! Born April 1, 2017 (no joke!), this toon has seen many changes, including the Legion Invasions, specs, and recently the 7.3.5 patch which has ramped up the challenge difficulty. TinyIssa won 2nd place in the Arrow to the Knee contest back in April of 2017. To get to 110, it took 12 days and 10 hours of played time. Asked her...

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