
Congratulations to Dwarfster for reaching max level on a Dwarf Warlock, making her the 19th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion. This is Ster’s eleventh max level champion and his first Warlock Iron Man in the Dragon Isle expansion. A total of 2 days of /played time, Dwarfster hit max level in Shadowlands, thus this was a level 60 to 70 exercise, over the course of just about a month. Dwarfster’s leveling path followed the same as other champions: loot chests in BfA...

Congratulations to Maygester for reaching max level on a Night Elf Mage, making her the 17th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion. This is Ster’s tenth max level champion, and the very first Mage Iron Man in the Dragonflight expansion. With a total of 2 days of /played, Maygester hit max level in Shadowlands, thus this was a level 60 to 70 exercise over the course of just under a month.  Maygester’s leveling path followed the same as other champions: loot chests in BfA...

Congratulations to Pacipanster on becoming our 10th Dragonflight Pacifist Challenge Champion! This is Ster's ninth max level Champion and very first Panda Pacifist - ever!! Pacipanster's journey took 16 days, 4 hrs, 30 min, 53 sec, with a total /played of 2 days, 21 hours.  When asked about Pacipanster’s leveling journey, Ster said, "Outlaw rogue was the easiest to utilize while re-learning how to level a Panda. You might be asking, hey wait, Pandas and Worgens can’t be Pacifists, because the...

Congratulations to Priester for reaching max level, making her our 15th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion. This is Ster’s eighth max level champion, and the first Priest Iron Man for Dragonflight. A total of 8 days and 4 hours of /played, Priester was born back during the Shadowlands expansion 1,790 days ago.  When asked about Priester’s leveling journey, Ster commented, "Discipline Priest was quite the challenge to level in Dragonflight. With no stealth and only a single Shadow Meld to escape daily perils,...

Congratulations to Monkster for reaching max level, making her our 13th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion. Monkster’s Iron Man journey took 28 days, 16 hrs, 6 min, 13 sec.  This is Ster's first non-stealthy to make it to max level as an Iron Man in the Dragonflight expansion, following in the steps of Elfster and Druidster. Monkster started her journey mid-March after at least one monk attempt, taking exactly one month to go from level 1 to 70 with 4...

Congratulations to Druidster for reaching max level, making her our 11th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion.  Ster’s Iron Man journey took 31 days, 6 hrs, 54 min, 48 sec. This is Ster’s first non-Rogue to make it to max level as an Iron Man in the Dragonflight expansion, following in the steps of Elfster and Catster.  Druidster started her journey mid February after 3 other druid attempts, taking exactly one month to go from Level 1 to 70.  Her earlier...

This week we are joined by Ster and Khrys. Link for Pacifist Safe Forum Post - News - Congratulations to Jonnfoxx on becoming our 7th Dragonflight Ironman Champion - Congratulations to Showei on becoming our 8th Dragonflight Ironman Champion - Issue with Battlenet Login has been fixed. You should be able to login with Battlenet and see your toons Darkmoon Faire - March 5 to March 11 March Trading Post - Some of the activities are things that various challenge toons could do.  Some...

Congratulations to Catster for reaching max level, making her our 4th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion. She’s also the second Rogue to make it to max level as an Iron Man in the Dragonflight expansion, following in the steps of Elfster. Catster is also Ster’s oldest living challenge toon, having started playing back in 2016 with the WoD expansion. Thus her /played value is kind of high at 23 days. But her trek to max level in this expansion is...

Congratulations to Contester for reaching max level, making her the 3rd Dragonflight Pacifist Challenge champion! Contester started playing when a Night Elf Pacifist contest was announced to honor the memory of Five. Their total /played time was 2 days and 11 hours over the course of 7 days and 17 hours. Whew! This is Ster’s fourth max level champion in Dragonflight. "So in reality, this toon Contester was a twin of Passeyster, my first Pacifist to hit max level. Except with...

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