The War Within

Congratulations to Ironlumo for reaching max level and making them the 27th The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion. Ironlumo’s journey was 34 days, 9 hrs, 32 min, 55 sec. No information was received about Ironlumo’s journey. Congratulations once again to Ironlumo on becoming our 27th The War Within Iron Man champion, and best of luck with your future challenge adventures....

Leeta chats Patch 11.1. Sorry the show is short this week, as still dealing with internet issues. News Congratulations to Ironlumo on becoming our 27th The War Within Iron Man Challenge Champion! Patch 11.1 hit and what a headache it has been for WoW Challenges Reach out if you are finding issues. Time change for US is 9th March so reminder that next show will be hour earlier. Contact Info You can contact the show by email – We’re on Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: Bluesky - Check out...

Congratulations to Pacifire for reaching max level, making them our 8th The War Within Pacifist Challenge champion! Pacifire's total journey was 15 days, 21 hrs, 53 mins, 12 secs, with a /played of 2 days, 20 hrs.  This is Listen's fourth Max Level Champion in The War Within expansion with two Iron Man Champions and another Pacifist Champion. Why did you choose this challenge to play? Listen said, " Pacifist is always an interesting challenge where I worry about dying and...

Leeta has the internet blues as her cruddy net keeps dropping during the Live Show. Sorry the show is short this week. News Congratulations to Pacifire on becoming our 8th The War Within Pacifist Challenge Champion! Congratulations to Explore on becoming our 9th The War Within Pacifist Challenge Champion! Patch 11.1 released Feb 25th - Player Housing is coming - Contact Info You can contact the show by email – We’re on Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: Bluesky - Check out the show on And remember to...

Leeta chats about WoW Challenges and World Events. News Congratulations to Softiron on becoming our 26th The War Within Iron Man Challenge Champion! Lunar Festival began 28th Jan runs to 11th Feb - Guide should be up on website later today Darkmoon Faire starts 2nd Feb until 8th Feb Love is in the Air starts Feb 3rd until Feb 17th - Guide will be up on website Contact Info You can contact the show by email – We’re on Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: Bluesky - Check out the...

This year's Lunar Festival begins on January 28th and will wrap up on February 11th. For a complete overview of this event please feel free to review's guide. New for 2025 Elders have been added for all zones in Khaz Algar. A new mount, the Lunar Launcher, is available from the festival vendors for 75 Coin of Ancestry. The following information is for the Iron Man Challenge. For information on the other challenge variants please see below. Quests All of the quests for this event...

Congratulations to Softiron for reaching max level, making them our 26th The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion! Softiron's total journey was 11 days, 3 hrs, 29 mins, 56 secs, with a /played of 2 days, 14 hrs.  This is Listen's third Max Level Champion in The War Within expansion with Candlencrow (16th Iron Man) and Listened (5th Pacifist). Why did you choose this challenge to play? Listen said, "Wanted to do an Iron Man from a Non-Allied race." What race/class/spec did...

Leeta chats about WoW Challenges Podcast for 2025 and more. News Issue with turning toon in game - use /console turnspeed 160 (higher number faster you turn) Reminder - No Writeup for - Earthen, Lfgd Draenei, Dracthyr, Void Elf, Mechagnome, Dark Iron Dwarf, Vulpera, Nightborne, Kul Tiran, Highmountain Tauren, Mag’har Orc and Zandalari Troll, as well as Death Knights and Demon Hunters. More News Spreadshirt Promo 15% Off Everything 22/01/25 to 27/01/25 Contact Info You can contact the show by email – We’re on Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server:...

Congratulations to Kelman for reaching max level, making them our 24th The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion! Kelman's total journey was 16 days, 21 hrs, 45 mins, 5 secs, with a /played of 1 day, 11 hrs, 11 mins. This is Keli's first Max Level Champion in The War Within expansion. Why did you choose this challenge to play? Keli said, "I've been playing WoW since TBC and wanted to test my skill. I've done raiding and other end game...

Congratulations to Xayakaxaya for reaching max level, making them our 7th The War Within Pacifist Challenge champion!  Xayakaxaya's total journey was 237 days, 12 hrs, 58 mins, 30 secs.      This is Xaya's sixteenth Max Level Champion in The War Within expansion. Xaya has multiple Max Level Challenge Champions across the board with Iron Man, Blood Thirsty, Pacifist, Working Man, Green Man and Tin Man Champions. Xaya said he mostly did Candy Buckets, 20th Anniversary, World Quests and Herbing and Mining. Congratulations...

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