Item slots equipped with Uncommon items: 16Item slots equipped with Rare items: 14Item slots equipped with Epic items: 3Item slots equipped with Heirloom items: 9
Flasks consumed: 1Flask consumed most: 1Different flasks consumed: 1
Total kills: 180Total kills that grant experience or honor: 2418
Creatures killed: 2698Different creature types killed: 9Creature type killed the most: 1220Critters killed: 213
Total Killing Blows: 1406World Killing Blows: 468
Total deaths: 2Restored by paladins: 1
Quests completed: 403Average quests completed per day: 0Quests abandoned: 14
Professions learned: 2
Highest Alchemy skill: 75Alchemy Recipes learned: 47Highest Blacksmithing skill: 17Blacksmithing Plans learned: 50
Flight paths taken: 3Number of times hearthed: 4
Total 5-player dungeons entered: 15
Chief Ukorz Sandscalp kills (Zul'Farrak): 2Rivendare kills (Stratholme): 2
Primal Tsunami kills (Normal Halls of Infusion): 1
Pet Battles won at max level: 34
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