Item slots equipped with Uncommon items: 15
Item slots equipped with Rare items: 10
Item slots equipped with Epic items: 14
Item slots equipped with Legendary items: 2
Item slots equipped with Heirloom items: 10
Item slots equipped with Uncommon items: 15
Item slots equipped with Rare items: 10
Item slots equipped with Epic items: 14
Item slots equipped with Legendary items: 2
Item slots equipped with Heirloom items: 10
Beverages consumed: 12
Beverage consumed most: 12
Different beverages consumed: 1
Food eaten: 3
Food eaten most: 1
Different foods eaten: 3
Healthstones used: 390
Total kills: 42330
Total kills that grant experience or honor: 28910
Creatures killed: 37937
Different creature types killed: 10
Creature type killed the most: 11733
Critters killed: 1215
Total Honorable Kills: 193
Warsong Gulch Honorable Kills: 44
The Battle for Gilneas Honorable Kills: 56
Silvershard Mines Honorable Kills: 42
Total Killing Blows: 11465
World Killing Blows: 242
Warsong Gulch Killing Blows: 18
The Battle for Gilneas Killing Blows: 14
Silvershard Mines Killing Blows: 14
Total deaths: 945
Deaths from fatigue: 1
Deaths from falling: 10
Total deaths in raids: 1
Total deaths in dungeons: 27
Resurrected by priests: 2
Rebirthed by druids: 27
Revived by druids: 27
Spirit returned to body by shamans: 7
Redeemed by paladins: 31
Raised by death knights: 5
Resuscitated by monks: 9
Resurrected by soulstones: 2
Quests completed: 1000
Average quests completed per day: 0.39840637450199
Daily quests completed: 155
Average daily quests completed per day: 0.061752988047809
Quests abandoned: 107
Professions learned: 2
Cooking skill: 1
Cooking Recipes known: 5
Highest Alchemy skill: 300
Alchemy Recipes learned: 44
Materials produced from disenchanting: 173
Highest Inscription skill: 300
Inscriptions learned: 62
Flight paths taken: 158
Summons accepted: 151
Number of times hearthed: 43
Total cheers: 2
Total waves: 3
Total 5-player dungeons entered: 272
Total 10-player raids entered: 7
Total 25-player raids entered: 3
Lich King 5-player dungeons completed (final boss defeated): 4
Lich King 5-player bosses defeated: 20
Lich King 5-player boss defeated the most: 3
Lich King random Heroic dungeons completed: 4
Cataclysm dungeons completed (final boss defeated): 4
Cataclysm raids completed (final boss defeated): 3
Pandaria dungeons completed (final boss defeated): 7
Pandaria dungeon bosses defeated: 27
Pandaria dungeon boss defeated the most: 6
Pandaria raid bosses defeated: 4
Pandaria raid boss defeated the most: 2
Legion dungeons completed (final boss defeated): 11
Legion dungeon bosses defeated: 45
Legion dungeon boss defeated the most: 2
Legion raids completed (final boss defeated): 2
Legion raid bosses defeated: 8
Legion raid boss defeated the most: 1
Lava Guard Gordoth kills (Ragefire Chasm): 3
Captain Cookie kills (Deadmines): 3
Mutanus the Devourer kills (Wailing Caverns): 2
Lord Godfrey kills (Shadowfang Keep): 4
Hogger kills (Stormwind Stockade): 25
Charlga Razorflank kills (Razorfen Kraul): 2
Mekgineer Thermaplugg kills (Gnomeregan): 1
Flameweaver Koegler kills (Scarlet Halls): 2
Archaedas kills (Uldaman): 1
Gal'darah kills (Heroic Gundrak): 1
Loken kills (Heroic Halls of Lightning): 1
King Ymiron kills (Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle): 2
Forgemaster Garfrost kills (Heroic Pit of Saron): 1
Ick and Krick kills (Heroic Pit of Saron): 1
Scourgelord Tyrannus kills (Heroic Pit of Saron): 1
Conclave of Wind Heroic kills (Throne of the Four Winds): 3
Al'Akir Heroic kills (Throne of the Four Winds): 3
Sha of Doubt kills (Heroic Temple of the Jade Serpent): 1
Xin the Weaponmaster kills (Heroic Mogu'shan Palace): 1
Taran Zhu redemptions (Heroic Shado-Pan Monastery): 1
Raigonn kills (Heroic Gate of the Setting Sun): 1
Wing Leader Ner'onok kills (Heroic Siege of Niuzao Temple): 1
Sha of Anger kills (Kun-Lai Summit): 2
Salyis's Warband kills (Valley of the Four Winds): 2
Oondasta kills: 1
Wrath of Azshara kills (Heroic Eye of Azshara): 1
Wrath of Azshara kills (Mythic Eye of Azshara): 15
Shade of Xavius kills (Mythic Darkheart Thicket): 7
Dargrul kills (Heroic Neltharion's Lair): 2
Dargrul kills (Mythic Neltharion's Lair): 9
Odyn defeats (Heroic Halls of Valor): 1
Odyn defeats (Mythic Halls of Valor): 9
Sael'orn kills (Heroic Assault on Violet Hold): 1
Fel Lord Betrug kills (Mythic Assault on Violet Hold): 2
Cordana Felsong kills (Heroic Vault of the Wardens): 1
Cordana Felsong kills (Mythic Vault of the Wardens): 13
Kur'talos Ravencrest defeats (Heroic Black Rook Hold): 1
Kur'talos Ravencrest defeats (Mythic Black Rook Hold): 7
Helya defeats (Heroic Maw of Souls): 2
Helya defeats (Mythic Maw of Souls): 16
Advisor Vandros kills (Mythic Arcway): 9
Advisor Melandrus kills (Mythic Court of Stars): 8
L'ura kills (Mythic Seat of the Triumvirate): 7
Nythendra kills (Raid Finder Emerald Nightmare): 1
Elerethe Renferal kills (Raid Finder Emerald Nightmare): 1
Il'gynoth kills (Raid Finder Emerald Nightmare): 1
Ursoc kills (Raid Finder Emerald Nightmare): 1
Dragons of Nightmare kills (Raid Finder Emerald Nightmare): 1
Xavius kills (Raid Finder Emerald Nightmare): 1
Grand Magistrix Elisande kills (Mythic Nighthold): 1
Gul'dan kills (Raid Finder Nighthold): 1
Goroth kills (Raid Finder Tomb of Sargeras): 1
Demonic Inquisition kills (Raid Finder Tomb of Sargeras): 1
Harjatan kills (Raid Finder Tomb of Sargeras): 1
Sisters of the Moon kills (Raid Finder Tomb of Sargeras): 1
Mistress Sassz'ine kills (Raid Finder Tomb of Sargeras): 1
The Desolate Host kills (Raid Finder Tomb of Sargeras): 1
Maiden of Vigilance kills (Raid Finder Tomb of Sargeras): 1
Fallen Avatar kills (Raid Finder Tomb of Sargeras): 1
Kil'jaeden kills (Raid Finder Tomb of Sargeras): 2
Garothi Worldbreaker kills (Raid Finder Antorus, the Burning Throne): 2
Garothi Worldbreaker kills (Normal Antorus, the Burning Throne): 8
Garothi Worldbreaker kills (Heroic Antorus, the Burning Throne): 10
Garothi Worldbreaker kills (Mythic Antorus, the Burning Throne): 2
Hounds of Sargeras kills (Raid Finder Antorus, the Burning Throne): 2
Hounds of Sargeras kills (Normal Antorus, the Burning Throne): 6
Hounds of Sargeras kills (Heroic Antorus, the Burning Throne): 9
Hounds of Sargeras kills (Mythic Antorus, the Burning Throne): 2
Antoran High Command kills (Raid Finder Antorus, the Burning Throne): 2
Antoran High Command kills (Normal Antorus, the Burning Throne): 6
Antoran High Command kills (Heroic Antorus, the Burning Throne): 7
Portal Keeper Hasabel kills (Raid Finder Antorus, the Burning Throne): 2
Portal Keeper Hasabel kills (Normal Antorus, the Burning Throne): 6
Portal Keeper Hasabel kills (Heroic Antorus, the Burning Throne): 6
Eonar defenses (Raid Finder Antorus, the Burning Throne): 2
Eonar defenses (Normal Antorus, the Burning Throne): 6
Eonar defenses (Heroic Antorus, the Burning Throne): 6
Imonar the Soulhunter kills (Raid Finder Antorus, the Burning Throne): 2
Imonar the Soulhunter kills (Normal Antorus, the Burning Throne): 6
Imonar the Soulhunter kills (Heroic Antorus, the Burning Throne): 7
Kin'garoth kills (Raid Finder Antorus, the Burning Throne): 2
Kin'garoth kills (Normal Antorus, the Burning Throne): 6
Kin'garoth kills (Heroic Antorus, the Burning Throne): 6
Varimathras kills (Raid Finder Antorus, the Burning Throne): 2
Varimathras kills (Normal Antorus, the Burning Throne): 6
Varimathras kills (Heroic Antorus, the Burning Throne): 5
The Coven of Shivarra kills (Raid Finder Antorus, the Burning Throne): 2
The Coven of Shivarra kills (Normal Antorus, the Burning Throne): 6
The Coven of Shivarra kills (Heroic Antorus, the Burning Throne): 5
Aggramar kills (Raid Finder Antorus, the Burning Throne): 1
Aggramar kills (Normal Antorus, the Burning Throne): 6
Aggramar kills (Heroic Antorus, the Burning Throne): 3
Argus the Unmaker kills (Raid Finder Antorus, the Burning Throne): 2
Argus the Unmaker kills (Normal Antorus, the Burning Throne): 9
Argus the Unmaker kills (Heroic Antorus, the Burning Throne): 8
Total deaths from other players: 158
Total deaths from opposite faction: 29
Battlegrounds played: 6
Battlegrounds won: 4
Battle for Gilneas battles: 2
Battle for Gilneas victories: 1
Seething Shore victories: 1
Warsong Gulch battles: 2
Silvershard Mines battles: 2
Silvershard Mines victories: 2
Pet Battles won at max level: 214
PvP Pet Battles won at max level: 3