Item slots equipped with Uncommon items: 16
Item slots equipped with Rare items: 16
Item slots equipped with Epic items: 15
Item slots equipped with Heirloom items: 10
Valorstones earned: 1375
Item slots equipped with Uncommon items: 16
Item slots equipped with Rare items: 16
Item slots equipped with Epic items: 15
Item slots equipped with Heirloom items: 10
Valorstones earned: 1375
Healthstones used: 3
Total kills: 185
Total kills that grant experience or honor: 10689
Creatures killed: 11708
Different creature types killed: 10
Creature type killed the most: 5460
Critters killed: 463
Total Honorable Kills: 77
Arena Honorable Kills: 97
Battleground Honorable Kills: 77
Eye of the Storm Honorable Kills: 77
Total Killing Blows: 4348
World Killing Blows: 552
Arena Killing Blows: 2
Total deaths: 25
Deaths from falling: 1
Total deaths in PvP battlegrounds: 8
Total deaths in dungeons: 12
Quests completed: 443
Average quests completed per day: 0.89314516129032
Daily quests completed: 7
Average daily quests completed per day: 0.014112903225806
Quests abandoned: 35
Flight paths taken: 19
Number of times hearthed: 18
Restored Coffer Keys obtained: 1
Total 5-player dungeons entered: 98
Lich King 5-player dungeons completed (final boss defeated): 7
Lich King 5-player bosses defeated: 31
Lich King 5-player boss defeated the most: 3
Lich King random Heroic dungeons completed: 5
Pandaria dungeons completed (final boss defeated): 2
Pandaria dungeon bosses defeated: 4
Pandaria dungeon boss defeated the most: 1
Lava Guard Gordoth kills (Ragefire Chasm): 1
Hogger kills (Stormwind Stockade): 1
Flameweaver Koegler kills (Scarlet Halls): 1
High Inquisitor Whitemane kills (Scarlet Monastery): 1
Chief Ukorz Sandscalp kills (Zul'Farrak): 3
Princess Theradras kills (Maraudon): 1
Rivendare kills (Stratholme): 1
Overlord Wyrmthalak kills (Lower Blackrock Spire): 1
Nexus-Prince Shaffar kills (Mana Tombs): 1
Epoch Hunter kills (The Escape From Durnholde): 1
Black Stalker kills (Underbog): 1
Ingvar the Plunderer kills (Heroic Utgarde Keep): 1
Keristrasza kills (Heroic Nexus): 2
Anub'arak kills (Heroic Azjol-Nerub): 1
Loken kills (Heroic Halls of Lightning): 1
Bronjahm kills (Heroic Forge of Souls): 1
Devourer of Souls kills (Heroic Forge of Souls): 1
Echo of Doragosa kills (Normal Algeth'ar Academy): 4
Echo of Doragosa kills (Heroic Algeth'ar Academy): 1
Decatriarch Wratheye kills (Normal Brackenhide Hollow): 3
Decatriarch Wratheye kills (Heroic Brackenhide Hollow): 2
Primal Tsunami kills (Normal Halls of Infusion): 4
Primal Tsunami kills (Heroic Halls of Infusion): 2
Warlord Sargha kills (Normal Neltharus): 4
Warlord Sargha kills (Heroic Neltharus): 1
Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein kills (Normal Ruby Life Pools): 2
Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein kills (Heroic Ruby Life Pools): 3
Umbrelskel kills (Normal The Azure Vault): 5
Umbrelskel kills (Heroic The Azure Vault): 3
Balakar Khan kills (Normal The Nokhud Offensive): 2
Balakar Khan kills (Heroic The Nokhud Offensive): 3
Chrono-Lord Deios kills (Normal Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr): 5
Chrono-Lord Deios kills (Heroic Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr): 1
Ki'katal the Harvester kills (Normal Ara-Kara, City of Echoes): 2
Goldie Baronbottom kills (Normal Cinderbrew Meadery): 2
Izo, the Grand Splicer kills (Normal City of Threads): 3
Izo, the Grand Splicer kills (Heroic City of Threads): 1
The Darkness kills (Normal Darkflame Cleft): 2
Prioress Murrpray kills (Normal Priory of the Sacred Flame): 1
Rasha'nan kills (Normal The Dawnbreaker): 1
Voidstone Monstrosity kills (Normal The Rookery): 2
Void Speaker Eirich (Normal The Stonevault): 1
Total deaths from other players: 5
Total deaths from opposite faction: 5
Battlegrounds played: 2
Battlegrounds won: 1
Eye of the Storm battles: 2
Eye of the Storm flags captured: 5
Eye of the Storm victories: 1
Flightstones earned: 1085
Whelpling's Shadowflame Crest Fragments earned: 8
Whelpling's Dreaming Crests earned: 12
Drake's Dreaming Crests earned: 36
Whelpling's Awakened Crests earned: 140
Weathered Harbinger Crests earned: 72
Carved Harbinger Crests earned: 95