Congratulations to Fivechesty, Our 7th BfA Pacifist Challenge Champion

Congratulations to Fivechesty on becoming our 7th Battle for Azeroth Pacifist Challenge Champion. Fivechesty is Fiveiron’s 3rd Pacifist challenger to reach max level this expansion. This run was completed in 491 days with a /played time of 4 days and 23 hours. Fivechesty was also been listed on the Iron & Blood Thirsty Challenge lists but was yellow flagged due to not meeting those challenges requirements.

Fivechesty managed to reach max level without turning in any quests or having any primary professions. His path to 120 had him exploring the far reaches and dark corners of Azeroth. Five used exploration experience exclusively until reaching level 12. After that point opening chests was added into the mix up until level 92. He began to utilized Archeology in vanilla zones around level 83 digging and exploring the rest of the way to 120. The Winds of Wisdom buff helped him out a lot allowing him to gain roughly 40 levels in approximately 3 weeks.

What’s next for Five? Well, he is always keeping himself busy with a multitude of solo challengers plus working on leveling the several teams he has with Taco. Good luck with your many challengers Five! We can’t wait to see what you do next and congratulations once again on becoming our 7th Battle for Azeroth Pacifist Challenge Champion!

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