Congratulations to Jonnfoxx, our 8th Dragonflight Green Man Challenge Champion!

Congratulations to Jonnfoxx on becoming our 8th Dragonflight Green Man Challenge Champion!  Jonnfoxx’s Green Man journey took 10 days, 23 hrs, 28 min, 49 sec with a /played of 18 hours, 40 minutes to complete.

Jonnfoxx says, “I chose Green Man considering how tough of a time I’m having with my Iron Man Warrior Connfoxx.”

What path did you take to level, and were there specific reasons for those choices? Jonnfoxx states, “I do the first zone story line in BFA and then half of the story in Drustvar. Once done, I do Elwynn Forrest quest, then Westfall, shoot over to Redridge. Once I’m done there I head to the zones around Ironforge.”

Did you have any close calls while leveling this character?  “My close call came courtesy of Wrathion. I was on his back, way up in the sky and he decided to boot me off. Heroic Leap saved me.”
Do you have any advice you would give to someone else thinking of trying out the Green Man Challenge? “Just take your time and ALWAYS leave a escape route. Even if you have to kill a few extra mobs. Oh, stay away from poison and fire lol!”

Are you working on any other challengers, or do you plan on taking a break for a while? Jonnfoxx says, “I’m working on my Iron Man Warrior, Connfoxx, who’s 45.” 

Congratulations once again on Jonnfoxx becoming our 8th Dragonflight Green Man Challenge Champion and best of luck with your challenge adventures!

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