Congratulations to Xayamona, our 29th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion!

Congratulations to Xayamona for reaching max level and making her the 29th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion. This is Xaya’s eighth Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion. He also has two Pacifists, one Blood Thirsty, one Working Man and one Green Man.  Xayamona’s  journey was 30 days, 20 hrs, 35 min, 15 sec, with a /played of 1 day, 16 hours and 32 minutes. 

Xaya said, “On the way to get an Iron Man champion of every class, Monk was the next in line. I went Brewmaster to improve my chances of survival. I followed more or less the same path as my previous champion, except for the fact that I did not have to get revered with SW since flight is now free.

Did Xaya have any close calls while leveling Xayamona? “I do not remember specifics, but I used Paralysis, run and Shadow Meld a few times.”

Are you working on any other challengers or do you plan on taking a break for a while? Xaya said, “I still have a Mage (24) and a Priest (66), with those I hope to have a champion of every class.”

Congratulations once again to Xaya on Xayamona becoming our 29th Dragonflight Iron Man champion, and best of luck with your future challenge adventures.

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