WoW Challenges Podcast Tag

This week Leeta shows how to do the Darkmoon Faire Storage Box buy and sell and chats news and State of the Challenges. News Congratulations to Gertru on becoming our 4th Dragonflight Blood Thirsty Challenge Champion! Congratulations to Ferrerin on becoming our 17th Dragonflight Green Man Challenge Champion! Darkmoon Faire ends June 9. The War Within Beta has started - If anyone is testing and wants to add notes to WC Google Doc let me know. Midsummer Fire Festival - Start: 2024/06/21 at 10:00 AM and...

This week Leeta chats news and State of the Challenges. News Congratulations to Berennll on becoming our 44th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion! Congratulations to Pacitrixi on becoming our 24th Dragonflight Pacifist Challenge Champion! Darkmoon Faire begins June 2 until June 9. A recent undocumented change has adjusted the level requirements to use the portals to Valdrakken in capital cities - characters must now be level 70 for a quick trip to the Dragon Isles. Ferre’s Lvl 64 Mage could take the portal from SW to...

This week Khrys joins Leeta for the results of the Tauren aka Taur-ahe Pacifist Contest. News Congratulations to Ferreday on becoming our 21st Dragonflight Pacifist Challenge Champion! Congratulations to Asycow on becoming our 22nd Dragonflight Pacifist Challenge Champion! Congratulations to Xayakaxaya on becoming our 23rd Dragonflight Pacifist Challenge Champion! DMF ends today. Spring Balloon Festival started: 2024/05/10 at 12:00 AM and ends: 2024/05/13 at 12:00 AM WoW Remix begins May 16th 2024. The War Within Prep - Let me know if you are doing some Alpha/Beta testing and...

This week Khrys and Ferre join Leeta and they drop a Pacifist Contest in honor of Tiber - Tauren aka Taur-ahe. Pacifist Contest Title - Tauren aka Taur-ahe Date: April 27 - May 11 (start / end time: 7pm ish Eastern) Challenge: Pacifist (SOLO) see Pacifist Rules Race: Tauren Class: All classes allowed except Death Knight Specs: All specs allowed Professions - Allowed Level: Can add your character anywhere from level 10 to 20. You must have reached Level 10 AFTER the contest starts. You need to OPT IN...

This week Leeta chats about what's coming in Patch 10.2.7. News Congratulations to Stuckinbog on becoming our 42nd Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion! DMF ends April 13 Leeta will be back for next show on April 27, 2024. Contact Info You can contact the show by email – We’re on Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: Bluesky - Check out the show on And remember to come catch us LIVE at Leeta Discord: Leeta#1726 Email:      ...

This week Leeta chats about Patch 10.2.6 and upcoming World Events. News Congratulations to Ferresfrost on becoming our 40th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion! Congratulations to Tazura on becoming our 41st Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion! Patch 10.2.6 - Plunderstorm… well didn’t see that one! Noblegarden  - April Trading Post - DMF starts April 7 Leeta will be back for next show on April 13, 2024. Contact Info You can contact the show by email – We’re on Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: Bluesky - Check out the show on...

This week Leeta chats about March events. News Congratulations to Caylasi on becoming our 20th Dragonflight Pacifist Challenge Champion! Congratulations to Bearferre on becoming our 8th Dragonflight Working Man Challenge Champion! DMF begins Sunday March 3. March Trading Post is active now - For US people in most states - Daylight Savings Time begins March 10 Hearthstone 10th Anniversary begins March 11th until March 18th Micro Holiday - Un’goro Madness starts March 17th until March 20th - Please be very careful if you are in that zone There are...

This week Khrys joins Leeta. News Congrats to Ferreisola on becoming our 16th Dragonflight Green Man Challenge Champion! Reminder - Love Is in the Air ends 19 Feb 10am - Hearthstone Cross-over March 11th through 18th - Reminder next show is March 2, 2024. Contact Info You can contact the show by email – We’re on Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: Bluesky - Check out the show on And remember to come catch us LIVE at Leeta Discord: Leeta#1726 Email:  KhrysW Discord:  KhrysW     ...

This week Evi joins Leeta and Khrys to share their challenger journey. News Congrats to Greenmiku on becoming our 15th Dragonflight Green Man Challenge Champion! Congrats to Dzelzs on becoming our 38th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion! Congrats to Ferreviola on becoming our 19th Dragonflight Pacifist Challenge Champion! Seeds of Renewal - Reminder next show is February 3, 2024. Contact Info You can contact the show by email – We’re on Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: Bluesky - Check out the show on And remember to come catch us...

First show of 2024 and it is New Year Resolutions time! News Congrats to Stereotyped on becoming our 36th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion! Congrats to Evitrifecta on becoming our 13th Dragonflight Green Man Challenge Champion! Congrats to Ironbonthree on becoming our 37th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion! Congrats to Evisurvival on becoming our 14th Dragonflight Green Man Challenge Champion! Darkmoon Faire - Jan 7-14 January Trading Post - if you’ve completed the activities each month (12 months) there is a bonus reward (which is obtainable in...

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  1. Your character must be Level 10 or higher.
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