Author: Leeta

Congratulations to Xayamona for reaching max level, making them our 23rd The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion!  Xayamona's total journey was 505 days, 17 hrs, 13 mins, 36 secs.      This is Xaya's fifteenth Max Level Champion in The War Within expansion, with Xaya also having another nine Max Level Iron Man Challenge Champions, plus one each of Blood Thirsty, Working Man, Pacifist, Green Man and Tin Man Champions. Xaya said he mostly did Candy Buckets, 20th Anniversary Question and...

Congratulations to Xayashta for reaching max level, making them our 22nd The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion!  Xayashta's total journey was 486 days, 10 mins, 14 secs.      This is Xaya's fourteenth Max Level Champion in The War Within expansion, with Xaya also having another eight Max Level Iron Man Challenge Champions, plus one each of Blood Thirsty, Working Man, Pacifist, Green Man and Tin Man Champions. Xaya said he mostly did Candy Buckets, 20th Anniversary Question and World Quests. Congratulations...

Congratulations to Xayamagoo for reaching max level, making them our 21st The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion! Xayamagoo's total journey was 492 days, 17 hour, 34 mins, 11 secs.      This is Xaya's thirteenth Max Level Champion in The War Within expansion, with Xaya also having another seven Max Level Iron Man Challenge Champions, plus one each of Blood Thirsty, Working Man, Pacifist, Green Man and Tin Man Champions. Xaya said he mostly did Candy Buckets, 20th Anniversary Question and...

Congratulations to Nilylia for reaching max level, making them our 20th The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion! Nilylia's total journey was 8 days, 22 hour, 48 mins, 30 secs, with a /played of  1 day, 13 mins and 8 secs.  Is this your first max level challenger? Nilylia said, "This is my first max level challenger, hopefully not the last, but we'll see about that!" Why did you choose this challenge to play? Nilylia mentioned, "I've been eyeing the Iron...

Congratulations to Xayariena for reaching max level, making them our 19th The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion! Xayariena's total journey was 528 days, 1 hour, 7 mins, 21 secs.      This is Xaya's twelfth Max Level Champion in The War Within expansion, with Xaya also having another six Max Level Iron Man Challenge Champions, plus one each of Blood Thirsty, Working Man, Pacifist, Green Man and Tin Man Champions. Xaya said he mostly did Candy Buckets, 20th Anniversary Question and...

Congratulations to Iron Yogurt for reaching max level, making them our 1st The War Within Iron Team Challenge champions! Iron Yogurt comprises of  Hammeriron, a Orc Hunter and Ironrumble, a Orc Shaman.  Here is their story: What names should we use for you both in this blogpost? You can refer to me as Hammer. I’m Rumble and I played IronRumble for this challenge. My main character is a Night Elf Druid named Rumblerawr, Alliance side, who began as a Darkspear Troll during the...

Congratulations to Xayakiz for reaching max level, making them our 17th The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion!  Xayakiz's total journey was 545 days, 2 hour, 21 mins, 8 secs.      This is Xaya's tenth Max Level Champion in The War Within expansion, with Xaya also having another four Max Level Iron Man Challenge Champions, plus one each of Blood Thirsty, Working Man, Pacifist, Green Man and Tin Man Champions. Congratulations once again to Xaya on Xayakiz becoming our 17th The...

Congratulations to Xayabingra for reaching max level and making them the 1st The War Within Blood Thirsty Challenge champion. Xayabingra was a Dragonflight Champion and their journey from 70-80 took roughly about 32 hours. From Xaya: "I have one Champion in every challenge, and so far four Iron Man Champions, (more coming up). I stayed just outside Dornogal, killing mobs around the theater, and going a little further when the event took place. I played only a few bubbles each day, and...

Congratulations to Greenprax for reaching max level and making them the 7th The War Within Green Man Challenge champion.  Greenprax’s journey was 2 days, 23 hrs, 19 min, 1 sec. No information was received about Greenprax’s journey. Congratulations once again to Greenprax on becoming our 7th The War Within Green Man champion, and best of luck with your future challenge adventures....

Congratulations to Xayavandra for reaching max level, making her our 15th The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion!  Xayavandra's total journey was 1132 days, 21 hour, 19 mins, 42 secs.      This is Xaya's seventh Max Level Champion in The War Within expansion, with Xaya also having another three Max Level Iron Man Challenge Champions, plus one each of Working Man, Pacifist and Green Man Champions. Congratulations once again to Xaya on Xayavandra becoming our 15th The War Within Iron Man...

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