Iron Man Victors Tag

Congratulations to Ironlumo for reaching max level and making them the 27th The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion. Ironlumo’s journey was 34 days, 9 hrs, 32 min, 55 sec. No information was received about Ironlumo’s journey. Congratulations once again to Ironlumo on becoming our 27th The War Within Iron Man champion, and best of luck with your future challenge adventures....

Congratulations to Pacifire for reaching max level, making them our 8th The War Within Pacifist Challenge champion! Pacifire's total journey was 15 days, 21 hrs, 53 mins, 12 secs, with a /played of 2 days, 20 hrs.  This is Listen's fourth Max Level Champion in The War Within expansion with two Iron Man Champions and another Pacifist Champion. Why did you choose this challenge to play? Listen said, " Pacifist is always an interesting challenge where I worry about dying and...

Congratulations to Softiron for reaching max level, making them our 26th The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion! Softiron's total journey was 11 days, 3 hrs, 29 mins, 56 secs, with a /played of 2 days, 14 hrs.  This is Listen's third Max Level Champion in The War Within expansion with Candlencrow (16th Iron Man) and Listened (5th Pacifist). Why did you choose this challenge to play? Listen said, "Wanted to do an Iron Man from a Non-Allied race." What race/class/spec did...

Congratulations to Kelman for reaching max level, making them our 24th The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion! Kelman's total journey was 16 days, 21 hrs, 45 mins, 5 secs, with a /played of 1 day, 11 hrs, 11 mins. This is Keli's first Max Level Champion in The War Within expansion. Why did you choose this challenge to play? Keli said, "I've been playing WoW since TBC and wanted to test my skill. I've done raiding and other end game...

Congratulations to Xayamona for reaching max level, making them our 23rd The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion!  Xayamona's total journey was 505 days, 17 hrs, 13 mins, 36 secs.      This is Xaya's fifteenth Max Level Champion in The War Within expansion, with Xaya also having another nine Max Level Iron Man Challenge Champions, plus one each of Blood Thirsty, Working Man, Pacifist, Green Man and Tin Man Champions. Xaya said he mostly did Candy Buckets, 20th Anniversary Question and...

Congratulations to Xayashta for reaching max level, making them our 22nd The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion!  Xayashta's total journey was 486 days, 10 mins, 14 secs.      This is Xaya's fourteenth Max Level Champion in The War Within expansion, with Xaya also having another eight Max Level Iron Man Challenge Champions, plus one each of Blood Thirsty, Working Man, Pacifist, Green Man and Tin Man Champions. Xaya said he mostly did Candy Buckets, 20th Anniversary Question and World Quests. Congratulations...

Congratulations to Xayamagoo for reaching max level, making them our 21st The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion! Xayamagoo's total journey was 492 days, 17 hour, 34 mins, 11 secs.      This is Xaya's thirteenth Max Level Champion in The War Within expansion, with Xaya also having another seven Max Level Iron Man Challenge Champions, plus one each of Blood Thirsty, Working Man, Pacifist, Green Man and Tin Man Champions. Xaya said he mostly did Candy Buckets, 20th Anniversary Question and...

Congratulations to Nilylia for reaching max level, making them our 20th The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion! Nilylia's total journey was 8 days, 22 hour, 48 mins, 30 secs, with a /played of  1 day, 13 mins and 8 secs.  Is this your first max level challenger? Nilylia said, "This is my first max level challenger, hopefully not the last, but we'll see about that!" Why did you choose this challenge to play? Nilylia mentioned, "I've been eyeing the Iron...

Congratulations to Xayariena for reaching max level, making them our 19th The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion! Xayariena's total journey was 528 days, 1 hour, 7 mins, 21 secs.      This is Xaya's twelfth Max Level Champion in The War Within expansion, with Xaya also having another six Max Level Iron Man Challenge Champions, plus one each of Blood Thirsty, Working Man, Pacifist, Green Man and Tin Man Champions. Xaya said he mostly did Candy Buckets, 20th Anniversary Question and...

Congratulations to Xayakiz for reaching max level, making them our 17th The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion!  Xayakiz's total journey was 545 days, 2 hour, 21 mins, 8 secs.      This is Xaya's tenth Max Level Champion in The War Within expansion, with Xaya also having another four Max Level Iron Man Challenge Champions, plus one each of Blood Thirsty, Working Man, Pacifist, Green Man and Tin Man Champions. Congratulations once again to Xaya on Xayakiz becoming our 17th The...

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