Iron Man Spotlight

I wish you all a Merry Christmas (or whatever it is you celebrate or don't). Please be safe and enjoy the season. We will catch you all in the new year with a new episode of the podcast on January 9. Until then, enjoy Winter Veil and this Iron Spotlight with Deidreven! 1/ Tell us a little about yourself - the player behind the characters! I am a teacher IRL. A few of my students over the years have played WoW, so...

Over the past two-three weeks, we've had TWO new Iron Champions! Asyluun, a long-time Iron Veteran, earned his Level 100 badge on November 20th 2015. This is his second Iron, his first coming at Level 90 during Mists of Pandaria. Boneless, the first Horde character to make it to 100 this expansion, is also a PETLESS hunter. Boneless belongs to Lyssan, another Iron Veteran and joins his 3-time Iron Lyssan at the top. Asyluun was gracious to answer some of our...

There have been WoW Iron Challengers since Cataclysm and really only a handful of Victors, however, the original incarnation of the challenge site was more of a listing site instead of what we are trying to do here: show-casing the Iron Man Challenge community that was built and continues strong today. My recent appearance on Leeta's Behind the Avatar made me think having a spotlight on some of the folks in our community would be a great thing, especially when...

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  1. Your character must be Level 10 or higher.
  2. You enable your 'Display Only Character Achievements to Others'.
  3. Log Out of your character. THEN Exit WoW.
  4. You must not have already broken the rules

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