
This week Leeta is back from vacation and the internet decides to be a pain. News - Congratulations to Peaceabull on becoming our 8th Dragonflight Pacifist Challenge Champion - Patch 10.0.7 is LIVE - https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23923813/dragonflight-1007-content-update-notes-now-live - Monk class is available to the Goblin, Lightforged Draenei, and Worgen races - Flying in Battle for Azeroth zones no longer requires Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder. - New hair colors are available for orcs and humans. - April Fools - https://www.wowhead.com/blue-tracker/topic/us/world-of-warcraft-patch-10-10-1557333 - FAQ Change - CAN I TRANSMOG OR USE COSMETIC ITEMS? NEW! Transmog...

This week we are joined by Annette and Ferre. News - Congratulations to Ferreilean on becoming our 7th Dragonflight Pacifist Challenge Champion - Patch 10.0.7 arrives March 21st NA/22nd EU In the 10.0.7 content update, the Monk class will be available to the goblin, Lightforged draenei, and worgen races. https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23923483/dragonflight-the-1007-content-update-goes-live-march-21 - Darkmoon Faire Ends Saturday night (US) - Beware:  Un’Goro Madness mini-holiday is March 17-19. Challengers might want to avoid this zone during the event. - Reminder Time Change happens March 12th 2023 (US) - Freeplay...

This week we are joined by Ster and Khrys. Link for Pacifist Safe Forum Post - https://wowironmanchallenge.proboards.com/thread/1842/paci-safe-quests-dragonflight News - Congratulations to Jonnfoxx on becoming our 7th Dragonflight Ironman Champion - Congratulations to Showei on becoming our 8th Dragonflight Ironman Champion - Issue with Battlenet Login has been fixed. You should be able to login with Battlenet and see your toons Darkmoon Faire - March 5 to March 11 March Trading Post - Some of the activities are things that various challenge toons could do.  Some...

This week we are joined by Ameshapa and Khrys. News - Congratulations to Xayavandra on becoming our 6th Dragonflight Ironman Champion - Spreadshirt 20% Off Everything - Mar 4th to Mar 12th Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: discord.WoWChallenges.com Check out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1 And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges Leeta Discord: Leeta#1726 Email: leetawow@gmail.com Instagram: Leetawow Podcast: podcast@wowchallenges.com TikTok: @leetawow Twitch: Leeta Twitter: @Leetawow Website: wowchallenges.com YouTube: Kym Loves - I am vlogging https://linktr.ee/leetawow Khrys Discord: KhrysW#4903 Twitter: @ItsKhrysW Ameshapa Twitter: @Ameshapa Twitch: Ameshapa33 YouTube: Big Ryno    ...

This week Leeta goes it alone. News - Congratulations to Ferrestealth on becoming our 3rd Dragonflight Working Man Champion - Love Is in the Air ends Feb 20th  - https://wowchallenges.com/love-is-in-the-air-2023/ - Check out this article for cool transmog ideas https://www.wowhead.com/news/how-to-get-your-hands-on-cosmetic-safety-goggles-and-spectrecles-331428 - Patch 10.0.7 talk might be around Easter… not confirmed yet - Spreadshirt 15% Off Everything - Feb 23rd - Feb 27th Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: discord.WoWChallenges.com Check out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1 And remember to come catch us LIVE...

This week we are joined by Ferre. News - Love is in the Air will be running until Feb. 20th - In-game Twitter integration is being removed from WoW. https://www.wowhead.com/news/twitter-integration-to-be-removed-from-world-of-warcraft-blizzard-bluepost-331361?webhook - Darkmoon Faire ends tonight… tomorrow -Spreadshirt 25% OFF - Feb 14th ONLY! Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: discord.WoWChallenges.com Check out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1 And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges Leeta Discord: Leeta#1726 Email: leetawow@gmail.com Instagram: Leetawow Podcast: podcast@wowchallenges.com TikTok: @leetawow Twitch: Leeta Twitter: @Leetawow Website: wowchallenges.com YouTube: Kym Loves - I am vlogging Ferre Discord: Ferre   ...

This week we are joined by KhrysW. Contest Final Standings 1.Contester 70 2.Xayapartfive 70 3.Nokills 70 4.Ferrevegan 44 5.Pacileitav 23 6.Cinq 22 7.Thiscudbeyou 20 8.Huntafive 18 9.Pacizepp 10 10.Huntafiveu 10 Due to Ster, Xaya, and Leeta passing their prizes on to the next person in line prizes were awarded to Nokills, Ferrevegan, and Cinq. KhrysW will be in touch with you to sort your prize. News - Congratulations to Contester on becoming our 3rd Dragonflight Pacifist champion! - Congratulations to Xayapelli on becoming our 4th Dragonflight Pacifist champion! - Congratulations to Xayapartfive on becoming our 5th...

This week we are joined by Nisey. News - Congratulations to Elfster on becoming our 3rd Dragonflight Iron Man champion! - Patch Day is this Tues. Jan.24th! Tread carefully with your challengers if you head out right after the servers come up. - Lunar Festival's start date pushed back to Jan. 24th.- Send in your in-game screenshots if you'd like them to appear in the background during the show. Please use size 1920 x 1080 when sending them in. Contact Info You can contact the show...

This week KhrysW and Ferre join us to help kick off our 1st contest of 2023 which pays tribute to Fiveiron, one of our challenge veterans, who recently passed away. News - Congratulations to Beastnorn on becoming our 2nd Dragonflight Iron Man champion! - Patch 10.0.5 arrives Jan. 24th - Our Honoring Five Pacifist style Pacifist contest has begun. This contest will run until 7 pm on Jan. 28th. Full contest details can be found here. - Lunar Festival starts Jan. 20th and will run...

This week Nisey joins us to help pay tribute to Fiveiron who recently passed. News - Congratulations to Passeyster on becoming our 1st Dragonflight Pacifist champion! - Congratulations to Rocknorn on becoming our 2nd Dragonflight Green Man champion! - Congratulations to Ferrelin on becoming our 1st Dragonflight Working Man champion! - Congratulations to Workster on becoming our 2nd Dragonflight Working Man champion! - Congratulations to Ferrekessaa on becoming our 2nd Dragonflight Pacifist champion! - Send in your in-game screenshots if you'd like them to appear in the...

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