Iron Man Victors Tag

Congratulations to Elfster for reaching max level, making her our 4th The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion. She’s also the first Rogue to make it to max level as an Iron Man in the War Within expansion. Elfster made it to championship last year in January, so she started the TWW expansion this past August. An additional 1 day 5 hours of play time was used to go from 70 to 80. When asked to describe this Night Elf...

Congratulations to Tazura for reaching max level, making him the 3rd The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion. This is Tazura's first The War Within Challenge Champion, with the toon being a previous Dragonflight Champion. Tazura's journey was 196 days, 18 hrs, 38 min, 44 sec with a /played of 2 days, 8 hours. Why did you choose this challenge to play? Tazura said, "Tazura was already 70 from finishing the Iron Man in Dragonflight, so I figured I’d try to...

Congratulations to Xayasia for reaching max level and making them the 2nd The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion. Xayasia's journey from 70-80 took roughly about 22 hours, with a /played of  1 day, 23 hrs, 35 mins.  From Xaya: "Toon was already a DF champion. First champion in TWW, but 10 champions in DF, 3 Pacis, and 1 of each BT, Working Man, Green Man, Tin Man. After Ferre's passing, I choose to level my Night Elf Druid first, since it's...

Congratulations to Showei for reaching max level and making them the 1st The War Within Iron Man Challenge champion. Showei's journey from 70-80 took roughly about 9 hours, with a /played of  1 day, 16 hrs.  Why did you choose this challenge to play? Showei said, "The other challenges don't interest me much, but I first tried the regular Iron Man challenge back in WoD and came back to it in DF. In TWW I just chose to level my...

Congratulations to Yoggsaron for reaching max level and making them the 58th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion. Yoggsaron's journey was 1 days, 16 hr, 49 min, 18 secs, with a /played of  16 hr, 50 mins.  Yoggsaron said, "I discovered your challenge via the streamer Savix. For me, it was the opportunity something new before the release of the new expansion. So I did not planned my leveling which went like this - Draenei zone - Felwood - Feralas - Un'goro...

Congratulations to Котичхк (translated to Kotichkhk) for reaching max level and making them the 57th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion. Котичхк's journey was 2 days, 16 hrs, 13 min, 51 secs.    No information was received about Котичхк's Iron Man challenge journey. Congratulations once again to Котичхк becoming our 57th Dragonflight Iron Man champion, and best of luck with your future challenge adventures....

Congratulations to Valeriðs for reaching max level and making them the 56th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion. Valeriðs' journey was 3 days, 1 hr, 16 min, 9 secs, with a /played of  20 hr, 11 mins, 41 secs.  This is the second max level Iron challenger for Valeriðs. Why did you choose this challenge to play? " I am a Role-Player and I love the Iron Man immersion. I did the same challenge the past week with my Hunter, Enisse. In...

Congratulations to Nofalldamagé for reaching max level and making them the 55th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion.          Nofalldamagé's journey was 23 hrs, 52 min, 26 secs.    No information was received about Nofalldamagé's Iron Man challenge journey. Congratulations once again to Nofalldamagé becoming our 55th Dragonflight Iron Man champion, and best of luck with your future challenge adventures....

Congratulations to Ironeli for reaching max level and making them the 54th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion.          Ironeli's journey was 59 days, 22 hrs, 34 min, 12 secs.    No information was received about Ironeli's Iron Man challenge journey. Congratulations once again to Ironeli becoming our 54th Dragonflight Iron Man champion, and best of luck with your future challenge adventures....

Congratulations to Ironzwerg for reaching max level and making them the 53rd Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion.         Ironzwerg's journey was 535 days, 19 hrs, 35 min, 17 secs.    No information was received about Ironzwerg's Iron Man challenge journey. Congratulations once again to Ironzwerg becoming our 53rd Dragonflight Iron Man champion, and best of luck with your future challenge adventures....

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