Iron Man Victors Tag

Congratulations to Asyworks for reaching max level and making them the 10th Dragonflight Working Man Challenge champion.  This is Asy's fourth max level Challenge Champion, and Asywork's journey was 3 days, 18 hrs, 41 min, 54 sec. No information was received about Asyworks Working Man challenge journey. Congratulations once again to Asy on Asyworks becoming our 10th Dragonflight Working Man champion, and best of luck with your future challenge adventures....

Congratulations to Arven for reaching max level and making them the 49th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion. Arven's journey was 1 days, 3 hrs, 4 min, 29 sec, with a /played of 11 hrs, 55 mins.  Is this your first max level challenger? If you’ve had others could you please refresh our memory with who they were and what challenge they were in? Arven said, "Last character was Arven’s apprentice, Tazura, who completed the Iron Man as a Prot Warrior. The...

Congratulations to Ironasyy for reaching max level and making them the 48th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion. This is Asy's third max level Challenge Champion, and Ironasyy's journey was 11 days, 9 hrs, 7 min, 54 sec, with a /played of 1 day, 4 hrs. Why did you choose this challenge to play? Asy said, " Always my main goal is the Iron Man, so I wanted to get this one, after the pre-patch. The XP needed was much lower, so...

Congratulations to Elisiron for reaching max level and making them the 47th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion. Elisiron's journey was /played of 44 days, 11hrs, 54 mins, 57 secs. Elisiron said "I gave up counting how many different characters I have tried earning the Iron Man on after 50. The closest I had ever gotten was 68 – twice. I have tried during the last four expansions. It’s what I do when I get tired of the current content. Test myself...

Congratulations to Thusky for reaching max level and making them the 46th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion. This is CStar's first max level Challenge Champion, and Thusky's journey was 2 days, 12 hrs, 48 min, 58 sec, with a /played of 14 hrs, 11 secs.  Why did you choose this challenge to play? CStar said, " Twofold: I've had a long-standing interest in seeing a Challenge through - namely either Iron Man or Bloodthirsty - and ultimately settled on the former....

Congratulations to Strangewarrior for reaching max level and making them the 45th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion.  Strangewarrior's journey was 4 days, 22 hrs, 40 min, 50 sec. No information was received about Strangewarrior's Iron Man challenge journey. Congratulations once again to Strangewarrior becoming our 45th Dragonflight Iron Man champion, and best of luck with your future challenge adventures....

Congratulations to Berennll for reaching max level and making them the 44th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion. This is Crimson's third max level Dragonflight Challenge Champion with Tesli, a Working Man, and Caylasi, a Pacifist. Berennll's journey was 40 days, 12 hrs, 56 min, 53 sec, with a /played of 2 days, 14 hrs, 21 mins.  Why did you choose this challenge to play? Crimson said, "The reason I created an Iron Man is because I wanted to test myself, as well...

Congratulations to Ironluxx for reaching max level and making them the 43rd Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion. This is Luxx's first max level Dragonflight Challenge Champion. Ironluxx's journey was 11 days, 19 hrs, 28 min, 1 sec, with a /played of 1 day, 13 hrs, 58 mins.   Here is Luxx's email about Ironluxx Iron Man journey...

Congratulations to Stuckinbog for reaching max level and making them the 42nd Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion.  Stuckinbog's  journey was 3 days, 5 hrs, 14 min, 8 sec. No information was received about Stuckinbog's Iron Man challenge journey. Congratulations once again to Stuckinbog becoming our 42nd Dragonflight Iron Man champion, and best of luck with your future challenge adventures....

Congratulations to Tazura for reaching max level, making him the 41st Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion. This is Tazura's first Dragonflight Challenge Champion. Tazura's journey was 11 days, 16 min, 19 sec with a /played of 1 days, 16 hours and 56 minutes.  Why did you choose this challenge to play? Tazura said, "I’ve always found the Iron Man Challenge to be immensely interesting. I remember growing up and watching Slightly Impressive trying the challenge, and dying in crazy ways on his...

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