Iron Man Victors Tag

Neverdied’s army continues to expand with the dinging of Iron #27 on the Iron Challenger’s list. His druid hit 110 today, making it the eighth toon of his to make max cap. Started February 2016 and reaching max January 2018, it took 5 days and 10 hours of played time to get there. Plus he has 3 other mid-100’s in the queue he’s working on. When asked what’s next, he said he is curious how the upcoming 7.3.5 patch with XP...

Can you believe it? Neverdied has hit 110 with another Ironman champion! I had to check the lists several times, this is Neverdied’s sixth iron champion to hit 110. In addition to that, he has the only Blood Thirsty Champion on the list. Nisey, you’re gonna need to hustle with your BT’s. Heck, we all need to hustle to catch up with this machine. Neverdied’s Night Elf priest “Neverdiedprt” hit 110 after 1 year of leveling, almost to the week. His...

Congratulations to Towny, his Draenei Paladin Annabolic just dinged 110 as an Ironman Champion, the 24th champion since Legion came out. You may know Towny from his past guest appearance on Episode 81 of the WoW Challenges Podcast and his famously named Pacifist named Snuffletips.  Pally Annabolic was born in February of this year and dinged today (October), 242 days later.   Next time Towny is on the podcast, we’ll ask him what his /played time is. Annabolic was grand-fathered early on the Tinman list, meaning he...

Outroguester made it to 110 with an outlaw spec'ed rogue, his 4th champion toon. His first two rogues were Subtlety spec'ed and his druid is Feral. The 23rd champion since Legion's release took 139 days and 347 hours of played time and 3056 quests. After AH sales, buying fast flights, garrison buildings, ended up with 74,000 of gold. Here's some interesting stats: the ironman leader-board has 9 hunters, 3 rogues, 2 each for Monk, Druid, and Mage, while only 1 each for...

Having just dinged a champion to 110 earlier this week, he does another. Margrage dings 110, the first warrior to make it to Legion max cap! According to statistics, it took a little over a year from start to finish to get Margrage to 110. RIP to his Pally that died at 103 and best wishes on his new priest. Congrats Margothon!...

Our very own contest designer Margothon has recently dinged a new 110 champion, plus keep an eye out for another in the near future*. Joining his existing Hunter and Monk champions are a newly crowned Mage named Margblink. Margothon has been working on these two toons for over a year, and a /played time of 202 hours for the Mage. Keep an eye out for the warrior, it’s at 109 and will be the second warrior to reach max level...

Amazing effort by Zador results in the 20th toon to get to Iron Championship level, and the first paladin to make it to 110 since Legion. Zador accomplished this in roughly 31 days with 4 days 6 hours of play time. Zador mentioned he learned the hard way to avoid Horde camps, and arranging your keybinds for quick access is critical. Now that he's 110, he's going to make a special trip back to EPL to say hi to Ix'lar who...

We're pleased to announce that Mosotti has successfully reached 110 with his Blood Elf Hunter, known as Bikini Babe. This was Mosotti's 6th attempt to get his BE to 110, over a span of about 40 days with 7 days of played time. You can read more about his adventures on the WoW Challenges forums where he describes the climb to 110. He dedicates this victory to his patient wife and their newborn son. Well done Mosotti!...

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