
This week we are joined by Ferre and Nisey. News - Congratulations to Ferrekyyri on reaching max level and becoming our 40th Shadowlands Iron Man champion. - Congratulations to Downinfront on reaching max level and becoming our 16th Shadowlands Pacifist champion. - Congratulations to Lantanna on reaching max level and becoming our 17th Shadowlands Pacifist champion. - Noblegarden wraps up on Monday the 25th. - Volunteer Guard Day is on Thursday the 28th that’s an all day event so best that all challengers avoid the major...

This week we are joined by Ferre and Nisey. News - The trackers for all challenges except teams are now working! If you have any issues adding or updating characters please let our Mods know or please post with as much detail as possible into our new challenger-issues Discord channel. - Congratulations to Dwarfster on becoming our 37th Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion! - Congratulations to Ashflys on becoming our 38th Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion! - Congratulations to Ferrekessa on becoming our 39th Shadowlands...

This week we are joined by KhrysW. News - The trackers for all challenges except teams are now working! If you have any issues adding or updating characters please let our Mods know or please post with as much detail as possible into our new challenger-issues Discord channel. - Anyone who has reached level 60 and has not had their write-up completed please contact Nisey through Discord: Nisey(Kneese)#4863, Twitter DM @NiseyBGN, or email: niseybgn@gmail.com. You can also email Leeta at podcast@wowchallenges.com. - We'd like...

This week we do not have a guest. News - Congratulations to Soulfist on becoming our 10th Blood Thirsty Challenge champion! (Not verified) - Congratulations to Pacileeta on becoming our 15th Pacifist Challenge champion! (Not verified) - Congratulations to Xayavandra on becoming our 36th Iron Man Challenge champion! (Not verified) - Our code is getting looked into thanks to Xaya, Ruud, and Naptime. There is no ETA yet however, things are moving forward. - The issue with our podcast audio has been resolved. Our mp3s for...

This week we are joined by Ster. News - On April 19, the World of Warcraft development team will reveal the next expansion. -Darkmoon Faire Dance Party - Definitely a No for Bloods, seems ok for others but a little pointless if you are trying to get the prize - We'd like to remind everyone to keep sending in your Challenge Toon screenshots. For us to feature in the background during our live shows. Please send them in the size of 1920x1080 if possible. -...

This week we are joined by NiseyBGN. News - Patch 9.2 is released this past week. We recommend reviewing what changes were made. You can find those here. - We are still trying to get the website sorted. Russ didn't have any luck. Ruud will be giving it a shot next. We want to thank them both for their time and attempts. (Update: the mp3 issue is now fixed) - We'd like to remind everyone to keep sending in your Challenge Toon screenshots. For...

This week we are joined by KhrysW. News - Patch 9.2 is releasing this week on Feb. 22nd/23rd. Please don't forget to remove your gear before the servers go down. We never know if something's quality might be changed. - The official Blizzard gear store is back! - Love is in the Air finishes up on Feb. 21st. - Spreadshirt promo in our gear store: 15% off everything Feb. 20th to Feb. 22nd Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord...

This week we are joined by Ferre our Pacifist Queen. News - Congratulations to Ferreday on becoming our 13th Pacifist Challenge Champion (not verified) - Congratulations to Ferreilean on  becoming our 14th Pacifist challenge champion (not verified) - Congratulations to Warriorster on becoming our 35th Iron Man challenge champion (not verified) - Love is in the Air has commenced and will run through Feb. 21st. You can find more information on the event overall on Wowhead.com. You can find challenger relevant information on the event...

This week's show is short and sweet with Leeta flying solo! News - The Lunar Festival starts on Jan.30th and will run through Feb.13th. For more information on this event, you can check out Wowhead's guide here. Our challenger's guide for this year's event will be posted on Jan.30th once it's updated. - Blizzard has announced a new survival game. - Spreadshirt Promo in our gear store for free standard shipping Feb. 2nd - Feb.4th. Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re...

This week NiseyBGN joins us! News - Microsoft Gaming Acquires Activision Blizzard in a $68.7 Billion dollar gaming deal. - Bobby Kotick is expected to leave Activision Blizzard following the sale to Microsoft. Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: discord.WoWChallenges.com Check out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1 And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges Leeta Discord: Leeta#1726 Email: leetawow@gmail.com Instagram: Leetawow Podcast: podcast@wowchallenges.com TikTok: @leetawow Twitch: Leeta Twitter: @Leetawow Website: wowchallenges.com YouTube: Kym Loves - I am vlogging NiseyBGN Discord: Nisey(Kneesee)#4863 Email: niseybgn@gmail.com Instagram: niseybgn Twitch: NiseyBGN Twitter: @NiseyBGN YouTube: NiseyBGN   ...

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  1. Your character must be Level 10 or higher.
  2. You enable your 'Display Only Character Achievements to Others'.
  3. Log Out of your character. THEN Exit WoW.
  4. You must not have already broken the rules

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