WoW Challenges Podcast

Per0tin joins us again to talk about his latest challenge adventures and ask for advice on whether he should do Blood Thirsty or Pacifist first. Thank you to Thilani for gifting the Virtual Ticket & Game-time back to the top 10 finishers in the contest (Linamunn won!).  As always we cover the State of the Challengers; Leeta & Stone review their weeks into the challenges; We read your comments, feedback and answer your questions. Contact Info You can contact the show by...

Rogueslayer joins us to recount her adventures of success (and travesty). We wrap up the Get Your Green On leveling contest (congrats to Thilani), talk about a potential "Seasons" aspect for the challenges and also briefly about EUROPA! As always we cover the State of the Challengers; Leeta & Stone review their weeks into the challenges; We read your comments, feedback and answer your questions. Contact Info You can contact the show by email – We’re on Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: Check out the show on And remember to...

This week Leeta completely dupes Stone and they both have a super bad case of the giggles. We play an AMAZING clip from Grand Nagus and the Dark Lady! In the news we talk about the Get Your Green On Green-Leveling Contest, some Site changes that happened. As always we cover the State of the Challengers; Leeta & Stone review their weeks into the challenges; We read your comments, feedback and answer your questions. Contact Info You can contact the show by...

It's our 3-year anniversary for the show! We have questions from Nisey, Five, Ster, Crystal and Tiber. We also do three giveaways: a US pet, EU pet and a BlizzCon Virtual Ticket!  We ALSO announce the start of our Get Your Green On: Allied Races green leveling contest. Contact Info You can contact the show by email – We’re on Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: Check out the show on And remember to come catch us LIVE at Leeta Twitter – @LeetaWoW Podcasts:- Adventures in Azeroth, Behind the Avatar Stone Twitter – @StoneGrasp Podcast – Adventures in Azeroth  Reminder:...

Ferre returns this week to share with us her pacifist experience and knowledge! We also talk about a third wave of BlizzCon tickets going on sale and, more importantly, the status of the Heart of Azeroth achievement for BFA. We all talk about our weeks in WoW; cover the State of the Challenges and read listener questions & puns! Next week is our 3-year anniversary show! We're going to hold a WoW Challenges Q&A, so please send in your questions ASAP! World...

This week we're joined by four of our wonderful mods (it's Mod Appreciation month here at WoW Challenges): Awesome Trousers, BoZ, Nisey and Xortz! We ask them about their experiences with the new changes, if they've completed anything on their bucket lists before BFA launches and any advice they can give to newcomers, especially considering the changes since 7.3.5. We also talk about a third wave of BlizzCon tickets going on sale, the 8.0 patch changes that affect Pacifist challengers,...

This week we're joined by Akari, a co-host from Azeroth Coast to Coast. He tells us about his Iron experiences dating back all the way to Cataclysm!  We discuss the new mob damage/health nerf that was just put in place as well a request for questions for our WoW Challenges Q&A show scheduled for the end of August. Stone and Leeta talk about their week's in WoW; we all cover the State of the Challenges and read listener questions &...

Froggeh, better known as the illustrious Elbi, the man that carries Stone through raids, mythic+ dungeons and PUBG squad wins joins us this week to tell us a little bit about himself and his experience with the challenges.  We talk about how hard the patch has hit and how scaling has affected us as well a request for questions for our WoW Challenges Q&A show scheduled for the end of August. Stone and Leeta talk about their week's in WoW;...

The loremaster himself, Remedyz joins us from PwnCast! Rem tells us all about how he squirrels and what his plans are for his challenge toons (hopefully not dying). We discuss the Patch 8.0 changes, BlizzCon Ticket rename date change and plans for our upcoming 3-year anniversary show. Stone and Leeta talk about their week's in WoW; we all cover the State of the Challenges and read listener questions & puns! ...

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