Ferre Tag

We're joined by Frazley, host of Frazlcast this week. He shares with us how his challenge adventures are going so far. News- Midsummer Fire Festival- Level Squish Coming Soon Contact InfoYou can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.comWe’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallengesTwitter: @WoWChallengesDiscord server: discord.WoWChallenges.comCheck out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges FrazleyDiscord: Frazley#1711 Email: awesomegnome@frazley.com Instagram: awesomegnome Podcast: http://gnomepodcast.com/ Twitch: twitch.tv/frazleys Twitter: twitter.com/frazleytastic Website: http://frazley.com/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgLfOAuae2m7QV29ODvJX7Q LeetaTwitter: @LeetaWoWPodcasts: Adventures in Azeroth, Behind the Avatar FerreDiscord: Mareel#4849  ...

Ferrekessa - a Night Elf Rogue (subtlety) Pacifist, just hit max level after playing 22 days. Born in April of 2018, took 315 days to reach Max Level. Her path to 120 had four main sections as seen below: Level 10 - 62 Herbalism and Mining, with some exploration: starter zones, Darkshore, Zoram Strand in Ashenvale (a long time there), and Dreamer's Rest in Feralas (for a long time). Holidays. Very minimal archaeology (safe sites only). Level 62 - 90 Added archaeology, picking lower...

Congratulation to Ferriona on becoming our third Battle for Azeroth Iron Man Champion. This character has also previously reached max level during Mists of Pandaria, Warlords of Draenor, and Legion.Ferre did a lot of testing and scouting to find the best path and spec that would work for her. She settled on Resto spec for Ferriona in Legion and up, feeling it would be her best chance at survival once she passed WoD content.Her path to level 120 did not...

An experienced expert in the ways of the Pacifist challenge, Ferre, or Queen of the Pacifists, as we like to call her, joins us as our guest this week. News- Love is in the Air Feb.12 - 26 Contact InfoYou can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.comWe’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallengesTwitter: @WoWChallengesDiscord server: discord.WoWChallenges.comCheck out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges FerreDiscord: Mareel#4849 LeetaTwitter: @LeetaWoWPodcasts: Adventures in Azeroth, Behind the Avatar StoneTwitter: @StoneGraspPodcast: Adventures in Azeroth  Reminder: We no longer have a "CLEAN" tag.   ...

Congratulation to Ferreilean on becoming our third Battle for Azeroth Pacifist Champion! Starting her Druid back in March of 2013, it took Ferre approximately 2,028 days to reach max level (a /played time of 18 days). Ferre likes to use Archeology to help level her Pacifists as we well know from the last time she was on the show for Ep. 130 "Ferre Digs It". Ferreilean is her first character to obtain the title of Professor! Level 115 brought a heart-stopping moment when flying...

Ferre returns this week to share with us her pacifist experience and knowledge! We also talk about a third wave of BlizzCon tickets going on sale and, more importantly, the status of the Heart of Azeroth achievement for BFA. We all talk about our weeks in WoW; cover the State of the Challenges and read listener questions & puns! Next week is our 3-year anniversary show! We're going to hold a WoW Challenges Q&A, so please send in your questions ASAP! World...

Announcing our 2nd Legion Pacifist champion: Ferre's Night Elf Druid Ferreilean! Ferre may also have the highest record for number of days to accomplish Legion max cap, coming in at 1,723 days since starting the toon back in March of 2013. When asked about this, Ferre said “Yes, I played it at my own pace, enjoyed the journey, and the changes that came with the expansions, etc. Every race needs a tortoise.” She has a total time played of 15d 9hr...

The WoW Challenges Podcast is the podcast for keeping the community up to date with news and information for your Challenge Toons! This week we had a call-in show! Stone and Leeta discuss their week in World of Warcraft. Vrishna Tribute Dec 23rd 5pm EST - Earthen Ring Server CtrlAltWoW Discord - https://discord.gg/0gr8ON8GpXJQrJHy World of Warcraft News Winter Veil Site News State of the Challengers Call-In Guests Asyluun Nisey Ferre Xortz Ster Thyst Contest  Winner - Asylunn Chit Chat Submissions from Facebook and Twitter. Contact Info You can contact the show by email...

Congratulations to Ferre for earning her first Iron Champion title for Legion and SEVENTH title across all expansions. Ferriona is the first Druid to make it to 110 this expansion, adding this title to two previous Iron Champion titles from Warlords of Draenor and Mists of Pandaria. Ferriona is only the ninth character to complete the Iron Man Challenge....

Ferriona, otherwise known as Ferre, has hit Level 100 for the THIRD time this expansion and the SIXTH time over the course of the Iron Man Challenge. Ferre is a true Iron Champion!  Congratulations! Ferre graciously guested with us for Episode 5 of our podcast (audio | youtube)...

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