Ferre Tag

This week Ash joins us! News - We would like to extend congratulations to Xaya, Ster, and Ash on their recent max level Iron runs and to Nisey on her max level Blood. These runs are unverified. Once we are able to get them verified we'll get write-ups posted to the site. - Hallow’s End is in full swing and will run until Nov. 1st. - Patch 9.1.5 will be released on Nov.2nd for the US and Nov.3rd for the EU. More information can...

This week we celebrate the 6th anniversary of the podcast. News - There will be no show next week on Sept.4th. - In game Trial of Style starts Aug.31st. This is NOT ALLOWED for your challengers. Leave this event for your other characters. - Darkmoon Faire will be starting Sept.5th and will run through Sept.11th. - With the new alt quality of life changes announced for Patch 9.1.5 a skip for The Maw will be introduced. We will be testing this before we allow it....

Congratulations to Ferriona on becoming our 20th Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion! Ferriona's Iron Man journey overall has taken 3,020 days with a /played time of 55 days, 13 hours, and 46 minutes. This challenger had previously made it to 120 which brings her Shadowlands /played time to 18 days, 14 hours, and 26 minutes. Ferriona is Ferre's first Iron champion and her 4th max level challenger for Shadowlands. Her other max level challengers include Rogue Pacifist, a Rogue Workingman, and...

This week we did not have a guest. Helpful Challenger Links - Wowhead.com's gear/item finder. - Iron safe quests. - Blood Thirsty allowed quests list. News - Congratulations to Krisbt on reaching max level and becoming our 5th Shadowlands Blood Thirsty champion! Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: discord.WoWChallenges.com Check out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1 And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges Leeta Podcast: Adventures in Azeroth Twitter: @Leetawow Nisey Discord: Nisey#4863 Twitch: NiseyBGN Twitter: @NiseyBGN Youtube: NiseyBGN Ferre Discord: Ferre(mareel)#4849 Realm: WrA, Wowironman guild, any character with "ferre" in...

This week we Ster, Ferre, Xaya, and Nisey join us for a round table discussion. Our topic is "I'm level 50, now what?" News - Pre-Patch for the Burning Crusade Classic is now live. Burning Crusade Classic will fully launch on June 1st. - Our list of challenge friendly guilds has now been updated on our site. - Congratulations to Maygest and Ironmaster our 12th & 13th Shadowlands Iron champions! - Congratulations to Lujma our 14th Shadowlands Iron champion! - Iron safe world quest list can...

This week we did not have a guest. News - Congrats to Ferre on getting Ferrenyys to 60 and becoming our 4th Shadowlands Pacifist champion. - Possible API data bug. Thread to report your character not updating or not being found in the armory on Blizzard's bug forums can be found here. - Patch 9.1 is coming - If you have a favorite recipe Leeta and Eexecute would love it if you would share it with them. Sweet or savory doesn't matter. You can send...

Congratulations to Ferrenyys on becoming our 4th Shadowlands Pacifist Challenge champion! Ferrenyys reached max level in 136 with a /played time of 4 days, 8 hours, and 57 minutes. Ferrenyys is Ferre's 3rd Shadowlands max level challenger. Her other max levels are a Rogue, also a Pacifist, and a Rogue Working Man. "This character was a replacement for the NE Druid Pacifist who got yellow-flagged during the first week of the SL expansion.  At the time, I concentrated on getting my...

This week we did not have a guest. News - Congrats to our 9th Shadowlands Iron champion Monkster! - Darkmoon Faire is back in town this week! - The Threads of Fate quest is temporarily NOT ALLOWED for Blood Thirsty challengers due to a coding issue on our site. Once resolved we will let you know when it's okay to take the Threads option. Leveling to 60 is still doable, you'll just have to stay in Bastion. Chit Chat Highlights - Wowhead.com has an Item Finder...

This week we did not have a guest. News - Congrats to our 6th Shadowlands Iron champion Марбарни(Marbarni) - The Lunar Festival started on Feb. 5th will run through Feb. 19th - Love is in the Air starts on Feb. 8th and will run through Feb. 22nd - Gear store promo: 15% off everything Feb. 17th through Feb. 21st Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: discord.WoWChallenges.com Check out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1 And remember to come catch us LIVE at...

For our first show of 2021, Leeta and KhrysW have a round table discussion about how Ster, Ferre, and Nisey are finding challenger leveling in Shadowlands so far. News - Congratulations to our new Level 60 Shadow Champions! Ferreskyye - Our first Shadowlands Pacifist Champion! Passeyster - Our second Shadowlands Pacifist Champion! Tejbegriz - Our first Shadowlands Iron Man Champion! Ferrerona - Our first Shadowlands Working Man Champion! - Irons, Pacis, and Bloods may now be added to the site tracker. - Manual updating of toons is now...

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