Iron Man Victors Tag

Our very own contest designer Margothon has recently dinged a new 110 champion, plus keep an eye out for another in the near future*. Joining his existing Hunter and Monk champions are a newly crowned Mage named Margblink. Margothon has been working on these two toons for over a year, and a /played time of 202 hours for the Mage. Keep an eye out for the warrior, it’s at 109 and will be the second warrior to reach max level...

Amazing effort by Zador results in the 20th toon to get to Iron Championship level, and the first paladin to make it to 110 since Legion. Zador accomplished this in roughly 31 days with 4 days 6 hours of play time. Zador mentioned he learned the hard way to avoid Horde camps, and arranging your keybinds for quick access is critical. Now that he's 110, he's going to make a special trip back to EPL to say hi to Ix'lar who...

We're pleased to announce that Mosotti has successfully reached 110 with his Blood Elf Hunter, known as Bikini Babe. This was Mosotti's 6th attempt to get his BE to 110, over a span of about 40 days with 7 days of played time. You can read more about his adventures on the WoW Challenges forums where he describes the climb to 110. He dedicates this victory to his patient wife and their newborn son. Well done Mosotti!...

On Thursday we crowned another Iron Champion, the 15th in Legion and the FIFTH for Iron veteran Neverdied (he also has the world first -and only- Blood Thirsty Champion). If that wasn't good enough, the character's class he leveled on this time has never, EVER been done for the Iron Challenge. On June 15 2017, Neverdiedsha became the first ever Iron Shaman. Over the course of 167 days, Neverdied leveled from 1 to 110 with a total /played of 6 days, 5...

Lyssan's latest character, Exploithon, a Goblin Hunter, is the first Horde Iron Challenger to go from 1 to 110. The character joins a long list of "firsts" for Lyssan, including the first to reach 110 in Legion, Warlords of Draenor and Mists of Pandaria. He's also the first character to successfully level a petless hunter in Warlords of Draenor on Boneless and was also the first to ever level up a Warrior as an Iron Champion, also in Warlords. This newest challenger was...

Congratulations to Asylunn for reaching 110 today, his first Iron Champion in Legion. This is the first Iron Champion title for the character, however, Asy has completed the challenge twice before: Asyluun at 100, a Night Elf Hunter in Warlords, and Asyiiron at 90, a Pandaren Hunter in Mists. Asy went from 1 to 110 in a total /played of 7 days, 11 hours. In real time the Level 10-110 time was 51 days, 13 hours, 17 minutes, 34 seconds. Asylunn is...

Big congratulations to Deidrevenw for attaining yet another Iron Champion title, becoming the first Warlock AND first Worgen to earn the title in Legion. This is the first Iron Champion title for the character, however, it's the player's 4th Iron Champion title this expansion (he also has the World First Blood Thirsty Champion title, also earned in Legion). Deidreven also boasts a repertoire of 7 Iron Champion titles over 4 characters (there might be more that we're not aware of). Deidrevenw's...

Congratulations to Awayn for becoming the 11th challenger to complete the Ironman Challenge in Legion! Awayn, a draenei hunter and Level 100 Iron Champion, went from Level 100 to 110 in 271 days, 1 hour and 53 minutes (this is actual real-time, not /played 'cause Blizzard has made that information private). This is the second time the character has made it to max level and (I believe) the second Iron Champion character Awayn's owner has. Awayn is only the 4th hunter we've...

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